University of Tartu (ESTONIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2018 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 3385-3394
ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2018.0653
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
Different authors [1], [2] suggest that the role of feedback has increased significantly in order to improve the professional development of a teacher and feedback is a necessary instrument for moving education in the desired direction. Teachers from previous studies [2], [3] find that they take into account the feedback received from students, and are increasingly using this feedback when planning teacher's work. But the studies on the same topic with students [4], [5] has shown that students feel that their opinion is not being taken into account, and often they are not asked for feedback. If feedback is being asked, it does not seem to students that it is taken into account.

The purpose of the present study was to identify the attitudes of middle school teachers about the need for feedback from students, find out how teachers describe the reliability of student feedback and to find out a teachers' point of view about the impact of feedback on the teachers professional development.

The empirical part of the qualitative study was carried out using semi-structured interviews with ten middle school teachers. A qualitative inductive content analysis was used to analyze the data.
The current study showed that middle school teachers feel that students feedback is important because it provides them with information about the performance of their work. Teachers also feel that asking students for feedback is important as it improves the cooperation between the students and the teacher, also through feedback, the teacher and students become colleagues who can make decisions collectively.

The study also showed that teachers claimed that they needed students feedback more when they were starting teaching and did not have any experience of teaching. Also, the interviewed teachers claimed that young students do not provide as helpful feedback as more older students and that is why they often do not ask students to give feedback. On the other hand, the interviewed teachers said that students give honest feedback, but the main reason for not asking feedback in teachers opinion is the lack of time. The study also revealed that teachers feel that they need feedback from students in terms of professional development. Student feedback gives to the teachers the courage to try new things.

[1] Edström, K. (2008). Doing course evaluation as if learning matters most. Higher education research & development, 27(2), 95-106.
[2] Jensen, B., Sandoval-Hernandez, A., Knoll, S., & Gonzalez, E. J. (2012). The Experience of New Teachers: Results from TALIS 2008. OECD Publishing. 2, rue Andre Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, France.
[3] Beran, T. N., & Rokosh, J. L. (2009). Instructors’ perspectives on the utility of student ratings of instruction. Instructional Science, 37(2), 171-184.
[4] Lastekaitse Liit (2014). Summary of the survey: Participation and involvement of children and young people in the school. Retrieved from:
[5] Anderson, H. M., Cain, J., & Bird, E. (2005). Online student course evaluations: Review of literature and a pilot study. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 69(1), 5.
Feedback from students, the need for feedback, professional development of the teacher.