1 IES Al-Satt (SPAIN)
2 Agrupación de Voluntarios de Protección Civil de Algete (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8778-8787
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2112
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The I Students Olympics of Emergency Health Technicians (TES) is framed within the action plan of the Teaching Innovation project "The TES Games" (winner of one of the Dualiza 2024 grants, organized by CaixaBank Dualiza and FPempresa). In this event, 60 TES students from 10 public centers have participated, along with more than 50 students from the Higher Vocational Training Programs in Professional Characterization and Makeup and in Lighting, Capture, and Image Processing, as well as 3rd-year high school mathematics students.

Analyze the competency development of TES students, prior to their incorporation into de last training module in workplaces, through a gamification activity consisting of the recreation of simulated environments related to prehospital emergency practice; Raise awareness of the role of women in STEAM professions; Foster students' self-confidence; Increase the quality of teaching; Contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Gamification activity designed by sector experts (Volunteers from Civil Protection of Algete), in collaboration with Emergency Health department from IES Al-Satt and supervised by project collaborating teachers. Teams of up to 6 students from 2nd year of TES (representing 10 public Vocational Training Centres) will have to execute:
- Phase I: 4 practical tests related to the professional environment of TES. Two evaluators per test, professionals from the sector, will analyze the competency development of the students using specific rubric systems for each activity. At the end of each performance, the students receive debriefing, focusing on the most developed competencies and possible areas for improvement. Students from other training cycles also participate, characterizing and applying makeup to the actors portraying the victims of each test, or covering the media of the event.
- Phase II: Theoretical questionnaire in the format of a job competition exam.

Results analysis:
Satisfaction surveys provided during the event will be statistically analyzed by mathematic students.

80% of the evaluators consider that the competency level demonstrated by the students in the tests was high or very high (4-5/5). 54% did not observe gender differences in test performance, while the remaining 46% indicated that women's intellectual level stood out. The designed tests show a very high level of correlation with the TES job activity (4-5/5) and proved to be a highly motivating activity for both participating students and accompanying teachers, evaluators, and invited audience. Likewise, it has facilitated the visibility of the various participating professions and increased selfconfidence in the competency level of the students.

The I TES Student Olympics set a precedent in the Community of Madrid for activities that allow analyzing the competency development of TES students through tests in simulated environments designed by expert specialists. It has also contributed to the achievement of various SDGs (Promotion of quality education, ensuring the full participation of women and equality of opportunities). The analysis of the results obtained will allow us to design improvement actions for future editions. Likewise, the revised baselined document of these Olympics will be proposed to the organizing committees of Spainskills as a suggestion for the design of a specific competition in the field of Health Emergencies in our country.
Vocational Training, educational innovation, gamification, game based learning, Health department, Health Emergency Technician, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), esimulated enviroment.