University of Agder (NORWAY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 3824-3834
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0977
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The intersection of gaming with educational methodologies has spawned an ongoing discourse of terms such as gamification, serious games, game-based learning, gameful design and many more. These terminologies reflect a vibrant field of study dedicated to leveraging games' motivational and engaging qualities in non-traditional contexts, particularly education. However, the proliferation of these terms, each with its advocates and specific connotations, has led to a semantic muddle that complicates interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. This confusion not only impedes the exchange of ideas but also hampers the potential for innovation in educational design. Addressing this issue, our research aims to distil these concepts into a unified framework, termed the “Gameful Experience,” to foster a common understanding and facilitate a cohesive approach to the study and application of game elements in learning environments.

Initiating our exploration with an extensive literature review according to the ROSES standard (RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses), we conducted a methodical examination of articles from a broad spectrum of databases. Our analysis was driven by the goal of identifying recurring themes and terminologies across the various definitions and applications of game elements in educational settings. This process unveiled a notable convergence around core principles, including the use of game mechanics to enhance motivation, engagement, and the overall learning experience. These findings underscored the existence of a foundational commonality underlying the diverse terminologies, pointing to the potential for a consolidated conceptual framework. The concept of the Gameful Experience emerges from this synthesis as a spectrum encompassing the varied applications of game elements in education, from the incorporation of simple gamification techniques to the deployment of comprehensive serious games. This inclusive definition aims to bridge the conceptual gaps between existing terminologies, offering a flexible yet coherent perspective that accommodates the breadth of gameful applications in educational contexts. By framing the discourse within the broader, more integrative concept of the Gameful Experience, we aspire to dissolve the semantic barriers that have fragmented the field, advocating for a unified approach that can more effectively harness the educational potential of game elements.

Our paper for the Gameful Experience is not merely a terminological refinement but a strategic reorientation aimed at catalysing collaboration and innovation within the field. By transcending the limitations of narrow definitions, this framework invites a more expansive exploration of how game elements can enrich learning environments, enhancing both the efficacy and the enjoyment of educational experiences. In conclusion, the Gameful Experience represents both a conceptual consolidation and a call to action, urging researchers, educators, and developers to embrace a holistic view of gameful learning that leverages the full spectrum of game elements to foster engaging, effective, and meaningful educational experiences. Further research is encouraged to delve deeper into the practical applications and outcomes of this unified approach, with the ultimate aim of advancing the field of gameful learning in both theory and practice.
Gamification, gameful design, serious games, game-based learning, gameful experience.