Saskatchewan Polytechnic (CANADA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 1265-1273
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0406
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
Assessments are conducted in all programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic; assessment techniques vary amongst programs. Traditional assessments include multiple-choice tests, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false, matching; this assessment typology is common in education throughout the world. Students typically select an answer or recall information to complete the assessment. However, traditional forms of assessment, such as essays and examinations, have little application in most work-world settings. On the other hand, the focus of authentic assessment is on students applying knowledge and skills in real-life settings such as assessment in workplace settings. At my educational agency (EA) authentic assessments are used extensively.

1. Provide a short introduction to the types of assessment;
2. Discuss why Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes experiential learning towards program credentials in specific programs;
3. Describe how Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes experiential learning (Continuing Care Assistant – CCA - program);
4. Share PLAR assessment forms, protocols and processes (CCA).

Methodology: Quantitative enquiries are used to identify numerical success and to measure monetary success. Qualitative methods are used for narratives, case studies and success stories.

Objective 1: Types of Assessment.
There is a variety of assessments categorized by the ways and means of testing methodologies. Assessments completed in primary, middle and secondary test knowledge gained by the learners. These assessments are also known as “Traditional Assessments”. These testing tools include, but are not limited to, forced-choice measures of multiple-choice tests, fill-in-the-blanks, true-false, matching and the like. Students typically select an answer or recall information to complete the assessment. These tests may be standardized or teacher-created. This type of testing is used in post secondary settings as well. Furthermore, Mueller (2018) contends that authentic assessment assesses the students’ knowledge and skills necessary in the real world. In authentic assessments work-related, or real-world, needs drive the curriculum. Faculty first determine the tasks that students will perform to demonstrate their mastery, and then a curriculum is developed that will enable students to perform those tasks well, which would include the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills.

Objective 2: Discuss Why.
Program curricula is based on the needs of industry. All programs have a work placement; students are prepared through lectures, online courses and work placements. Assessment tools come in all sizes, shapes, packages and strategies. One tool we developed is PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT RECOGNITION (PLAR). This method involves assessing prior learning and recognizing that learning for credit.

Objective 3: Describe How.
PLAR authentic assessment means demonstrating work tasks in the work place, your work place. This presentation will describe the process, fee structures, as well as provide document samples.

Objective 4: Share PLAR assessment forms, protocols and processes.
Participants will receive a printed copy of the PLAR Candidate Guide, and forms used by the CCA program.

Conclusions: The CCA program completes most PLAR assessments within this agency. This authentic assessment is viable, meets the needs of the students as well as the needs of industry.
Authentic assessment, student success, credit for learning at work.