University of The Basque Country, Law Faculty (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1634-1639
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0443
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
29 professors of the different subjects of the Law Degree of the University of the Basque Country, make up a teaching innovation team that is implementing a project called "Multidisciplinary and coordinated action in the Degree in Law for the conscious introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals in the ordinary classroom, in general, and in the Final Degree Project, in particular, through innovative pedagogical strategies". We intend to explain its genesis, objective and development at ICERI, while at the same time we propose a reflection on university teaching innovation, hand in hand with the Sustainable Development Objectives (hereinafter, SDO). Repairing the pedagogical sources of our intervention project in the classroom, it seeks to combine active learning and autonomous learning, with inquiry based learning and research based learning. Specifically, within the framework of the active learning, we understand it’s essential to use strategies in our teaching that actively involve the student body, so that they obtain a deeper understanding of the contents, which allows them to develop critical thinking and skills to solve problems, while we motivate and encourage them to interact and work with their peers.

In this fully linked process, the pedagogical resource called autonomous learning becomes just as important. Below its light, it is necessary to work with students the ability to detect deficits in their own knowledge in order to overcome them through a critical reflection and a personal choice of the best action related to the matter.

Connecting with research the objectives of teaching and learning, in general, and in regard to legal science, in particular, we intend to use the investigation as a pedagogical strategy to acquire the transversal competences of the Degree in Law, competences which correspond perfectly with those the UPV/EHU has identified for all degrees. Thus, the specific capacity for critical analysis, interrelation and integration of legal knowledge, goes hand in hand with what the UPV/EHU calls critical thinking and social commitment; the oral and written communication competence, with the one which our university qualifies as transversal competence of communication and multilingualism; the ability to synthesize and present, with the use of argumentation; the critical reasoning techniques, with ethics and professional responsibility; and the management of the learning process itself towards a comprehensive and respectful training, with democratic values, which goes side by side, in the Degree in Law, with innovation, entrepreneurship, teamwork and information management and digital citizenship. For this purpose, we are especially going to use the Final Degree Project (hereinafter, FDP), an instrument specifically provided for this in the Degree in Law, drawing, at the same time, from Learning Based on Inquiry or Research, that is, using the investigative methodology. Undoubtedly, the multiple questions raised by each of the SDO are the perfect excuse, in this regard, both to create curiosity or interest in the student body, and to satisfy it in the different subjects, in general, and in the FDP, in particular, converting the initial hypotheses into personal theses through the relevant accreditations or evidence, at the time that knowledge is built or obtained.
Intervention, Law Degree, innovation, pedagogical strategies.