Nova School of Business and Economics (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 7709-7714
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1813
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
In the contemporary educational landscape, the search for innovative and effective methods for teacher professional development is a constant. In this context, peer observation emerges as a promising tool in the realm of Higher Education, offering a space for dialogue and critical reflection on pedagogical practices and, consequently, boosting the quality of teaching and learning.

To value and support the instructors of a Portuguese Higher Education institution, an intra-institutional Peer Observation program was implemented with the objectives of promoting the sharing of teaching methodologies and strategies among peers and from different scientific areas; stimulating critical reflection on one’s teaching practice; receive constructive feedback from colleagues on pedagogical practice; and ultimately to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Based on these objectives, observation is grounded in principles of collaboration and professionalism, which offers a series of benefits for teacher professional development.

Among them, the following stand out:
- Improvement of teaching practice: From the critical analysis and constructive feedback of peers, teachers identify strengths and weaknesses in their practices, improving their skills and pedagogical strategies.
- Continuous professional development: Interaction with colleagues provides the exchange of knowledge and experiences, encouraging the search for new methodologies and teaching resources.
- Cultivation of a culture of collaboration: Peer observation promotes the construction of a collaborative work environment, where knowledge is shared, and individual expertise is used for collective benefit.
- Stimulation of critical reflection: The analysis of classes by peers incites the teacher to reflect on their teaching methods, seeking to improve them and adapt them to the specific needs of students.
- Positive impact on learning: The optimization of teaching practice, driven by peer observation, results in higher quality teaching and, consequently, better learning outcomes for students.

The Program was launched to the entire institution and from the volunteers who offered to participate in the program, groups were formed respecting a multidisciplinary criterion, with the teachers being responsible for curricular units from different scientific areas. An initial training session was held where observation techniques and feedback were addressed, using the Pendleton (1984) model as a reference. In the initial session, the objectives of the program were shared and the instruments for recording observations (to be shared by the observed teacher, with the observing colleagues, in the briefing meeting, before observation) and the feedback instrument, used by the observers in the debriefing discussion, after the observation, were co-constructed with the teachers. Each observation group was composed of three instructors, and they had a rotation of roles (observers, observed), with one class observed by each instructor. Before each observation there was a preparation meeting and after the observation a feedback meeting.

It is concluded that peer observation is a valuable tool for teacher professional development, promoting critical reflection, knowledge sharing, and improvement of pedagogical practice. Through the implementation of programs like this one at the institution, we can foster a more collaborative and innovative teaching culture, for the benefit of better learning for students.
Peer observation, teacher professional development, teaching, learning, feedback, collaborative learning.