University of Warwick (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4085-4089
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0991
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The current times, from the pandemic to the impending economic downturn, put students in an increasingly difficult position. Confidence in securing a graduate-level job has returned to pre-pandemic levels but over 50% of students feel COVID has impacted their prospects. However, these external factors had a similar impact on businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises which form the economic backbone of the UK. This project, through a collaboration between the University of Warwick and local businesses across the West-Midlands through an action-learning approach, sought to help students develop competence within a professional setting, consequently helping businesses to reinvent themselves during these tough economic times.
The aim of this project is to develop a model for engagement between forward-looking Small to Medium Sized Enterprises(SMEs), start-ups and scaleups.
The heart of the model is a framework for continuously engaging local businesses and developing research projects such that students can work collaboratively with businesses. These projects give students the opportunity to gain new skills and explore fields beyond their course degrees, while supporting the businesses to achieve strategic goals.
This project leveraged the current University presence in a co-working space, 1 Mill Street. 1 Mill Street is an established co-working location in which businesses are familiar and more comfortable to meet, work and engage.
A series of biweekly workshops were curated with a common theme of being forward-looking, in areas of uncertainty for research and business communities alike. Leading academics and business experts working closely with the University lead these early evening workshops supporting consideration fo themes by local businesses. The mood is informal to encourage a relaxed feel and candour.
The student participants were recruited from across the University, not restricted by degree stream nor by year of study, including undergraduates and postgraduates. The structure of the intervention afforded students of various course degrees the opportunity to explore new fields within teams that were provided with relevant academic and business support. A core team of four engagement officers, design, coordinate, and lead sessions under the guidance of university staff. Their work includes, and is not limited to,
marketing across online and offline channels to create awareness of the workshops among businesses, students, and academics,
engage skills-focused student bodies and clubs to create awareness and build relationships, follow-up sessions are tailored to the needs of identified businesses and include meetings, consultancy workshops, coaching, and follow-up discussions,
follow-up sessions permit the individual or business to speak extensively on their current context, vision, challenges, and goals.
Further analysis of the business or individual through this ‘written picture’ allows the team to determine the resources within the university which will be most beneficial to the individual or business allowing the engagement opportunity.
The impact of this work has led to the development of relationships between experts, students, and local businesses. It is the origin of the idea of the Warwick Film Festival which will run in Summer 2023. Consultation between staff and students has led to business improvement. Two internships have been created as a direct result of this project.
University/Industry Experiences, Active and Experiential Learning, Collaborative and Problem-based Learning.