Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8158-8163
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.2230
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Through the new technologies the education process is also an emerging field of science, which is rapidly growing. Thanks to the innovative technologies the educational process serves as a significant part of the lifelong learning. Essential feature to come the best effort is the implementation of a specific systems.

At present, the education could be described as a systematic continuous process, that predestines successful enforcement on the market. Due to the rapid growth and popularity of the internet technologies in higher education we identified a tremendous demand to implement supporting tools for that purpose. The electronic form of education through the internet technologies is characterized by the organization and the access to the entire learning process.

In our research we are focusing on a concrete Virtual Learning Environment, which is implemented as a supporting system for the education. In our article we are handling with the term e-learning, which refers to a set of instructions that is delivered through electronic media. E-learning also predetermines the use of the available information and communication technologies where the users can individually access to any kind of available learning materials. The main influence of this kind of way is the access to the materials can be provided anytime and from anywhere.

Our goal is to make the educational process more effective and more useful for the students. Mainly the best feedback of the effectiveness is the final result from the taught subject. Primarily we are focusing to identify and classify students during the defined term in the learning environment. Chiefly our article handles to create an analytical support tool for the teacher. We hope thanks to this analytical support we will easily identify students who are struggling with the subject during the entire learning process.

The concrete system as an appliance for the education is Moodle, which is a widely known open-source learning platform. In most cases teachers need to have a complex overview over the recorded data by the system. We are working with this fact to provide teachers a good basic criterion to the subsequential evaluation. Further benefit for this kind of solution is to measure the course efficiency. Under the measurement we can include attributes like the repletion of the course. Our basic classification values and criteria are the number of clicking on the course activities and the overall spent time in the course. The classifications of students into separated groups, will be provided through the statistical methods. The principal goal of our article is to develop and implement all the aforementioned proposals in the implemented Moodle environment as an extended module.
Data Analysis, Moodle, LMS systems, Production data.