1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 10418-10426
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2751
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
When teaching any foreign language, the teacher's task is to form communicative competence in the new language. It implies understanding and acceptable speech behavior in normative situations. The formation of communicative competence is a complex task, which includes mastering purely grammatical skills and mastering the language standard, including the most frequent phraseological expressions frequently used by native speakers.

Phraseological expressions in communication differentiate functional styles of speech, as well as carry valuable country-specific information. Without the skill of semantizing these stable speech formulas, students often find themselves helpless in actual speech situations, trying to translate phraseological units literally: the translation often turns out to be either wholly meaningless or have a completely different meaning. At the same time, it is impossible to abandon them because the inability to use idioms and stable combinations in speech impoverishes the student's discourse leads to communicative failure when communicating in a natural language environment.

The purpose of the methodological study is to propose the principle of phraseological selection for the class on Russian as a foreign language. Two stages are planned: on the first stage, a selection from modern dictionaries and their classification in terms of the frequency of their use in the speech of a native speaker was carried out. As a result, the corpus of actual units that can and should be used to expand the vocabulary of international students is identified.

Undoubtedly, selecting the phraseological minimum requires detailing the target, address, and level of learning settings. Their volume will be different for the intermediate and advanced stages of learning, for philologists and non-philologists, for passive and active use of the language. At the intermediate stage, the acquisition of the majority of phraseological units is, in our opinion, exclusively passive - at the level of recognition and understanding. At the advanced stage, the enrichment of the student's vocabulary passes to the operational level. Still, for each new phraseological expression, the connotative effect and stylistic space of use should be clearly defined, with explanations using specific examples of what communicative errors its inappropriate use may lead to.

The second important starting point is the idea that the "life" of the idiom, the frequency of its use in speech, is limited by time: those elements, which were actively used a hundred years ago, are gradually disappearing from the vocabulary of modern man. In this regard, their communicative value is sharply reduced. The pragmatic focus of training does not allow them to spend time on this in the classroom in the group of non-philological specialties. In this regard, in the second stage of the study, we conducted a survey of informants of different age groups (100 people). The analysis of the results allowed us to identify a group of active speech idioms and obsolete ones that are not used in oral speech but function in fiction texts. Visualization of the results in tables and diagrams allows us to visualize a variant of the solution of the methodological problem. Our research results will enable the authors of textbooks to determine which conversational teaching material is necessary and which can be transferred from the active thesaurus of the lesson to the field of independent work.
Education, communicative competence, didactics, phraseological expressions, communication.