1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Kosygin Russian State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8782-8789
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1946
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The purpose of the study was:
1) to substantiate the use of non-fiction, but educational texts in the lesson,
2) to highlight the stages of creating educational texts,
3) to formulate criteria according to which the selection of texts for adaptation should be made,
4) to determine the main tasks in adapting texts and to demonstrate on specific examples, how it is possible and necessary to solve these problems,
5) give a classification of the types of exercises for the educational text and the order of their arrangement after the text,
6) show how to compose your mobile text base, the texts in which can be changed as quickly as possible to requests and level of knowledge of students.

A comparison was made between the use of educational and original texts in the lesson, which showed that it is the educational texts, adapted to the level of language proficiency of a particular contingent of students make possible to develop the necessary grammatical skills. This is because the original literary text may turn out to be:
1) too difficult for students,
2) too large,
3) does not correspond to the vocabulary and grammar studied at the moment,
4) include outdated, rarely used vocabulary, as well as the author's neologisms.

The authors identified 3 main stages of creating educational texts (selection, adaptation, creation of a system of exercises) and then each stage is described in detail. Speaking about the selection of text, the authors formulated 9 criteria according to which this selection should be made:
1) social neutrality,
2) significance for linguistic and cultural studies,
3) plot and fascination for students,
4) plot completeness
5) small volume,
6) modernity,
7) compliance with the interests of the audience,
8) lack of edification,
9) lack of a pronounced author's style.

Analyzing the adaptation process (the second stage of creating an educational text), the authors emphasize that adaptation should go in two directions. On the one hand, this is the compression of the text, its simplification, removal of archaisms, neologisms, infrequent words and expressions from it, on the other, the expansion of the text: maximum saturation with the lexical and grammatical material being worked out at the moment, as well as the speech standard necessary in a situation of linguistic communication. When describing the system of exercises for the text, the authors give a classification of the types of exercises and suggest the order of their arrangement.

Having outlined the theoretical provisions of the study, the authors move on to their practical implementation, adapting the same specific text in several versions - for different levels of language proficiency, as well as for practicing different grammatical and lexical skills. A demonstration of what kind of exercise system can be created for each of the options was carried out similarly. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the proposed methodology for creating educational texts and exercises for them is universal and sufficiently formalized, which allows the language teacher to easily create his mobile text base, the texts and exercises in which can be changed as quickly as possible following the lesson plan and the level of students’ knowledge.
Education, educational text, active communication, selection, adaptation.