Bedford College Group (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 7021-7032
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1861
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Could the standardisation of language narrow disparities in achievement in education amongst people of different social class, and within and across ethnicities and genders, and could this have implications for injustices and inequities in wider society? In analysing socio-economic diversity through the lens of its correlation with language, this paper examines how the standardisation of language could be used as a means to reduce such diversity. It examines links between the standardisation of language, and the reduction of inequalities between socio-economic groups, in regard to achievement in education. It also examines the correlation between language and social class, and propensity towards being a perpetrator and/or victim of hostility and violence, as well as their relationship with health and life expectancy etc. The paper further examines the effect of the use of technology and teaching methods on the acquisition of knowledge, and how this impacts upon children of different social class within the learning environment. In order to help address some of these questions, an auto-ethnographic methodology is adopted with the aim of being able to explore, and reflect upon, personal experience, and to be able to weave greater understanding and connections between apparently disparate factors related to diversity, including socio-economic status, ethnicity and gender, all through the lens of language and its relationship to aspects of culture relating to social class. The methodology also assists in bringing to the fore, causal relationships which may otherwise not be covered by other research methodologies. Through drawing and reflecting upon reports and research studies, the paper argues that the standardisation and enhancement of spoken language would narrow the disparities in education achievement between socio-economic groups, as well as between and within genders and ethnic groups, through improving access to cultural literacy amongst those from lower socio-economic groups. It also argues that this would serve as an avenue towards developing people’s awareness of the correlation between language and social class, and propensity towards, and susceptibility to, street and domestic violence. The study provides a justification and a platform for further, more detailed quantitative and qualitative studies into the relationships outlined. The paper also argues that in order to challenge inequitable power structures which have arisen from historical injustices, then rather than concentrating on under-representation of groups of people within high status positions in society, the focus of diversity should be directed towards challenging the over representation, in a range of settings, of groups of people within low status positions in society.
Social class, standardisation of language, autoethnography, diversity, disparity.