Walter Sisulu University (SOUTH AFRICA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Page: 10791
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.2239
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
This study sets out to investigate the assessment of Physical Science as a subject in the context of curriculum change. The core aim of this article is to pinpoint the challenges faced by Science educators when conducting assessment so as to determine suitable assessment strategies. This will lead on exposure on the effect of CAPS in assessing the subject in schools around Amathole East region. This study is only piloted in 5 Secondary schools, amounting to a total of 10 grade 10 Science educators and the actual sample for this study comprises 73 educators (rural and suburban areas) which were selected from 52 Secondary schools around the region. Data is collected using mixed research methods through administering the questionnaires, interviews and document analysis (CAPS, learner’s assessment tasks and teacher Portfolio). Results show that Physical Science educators are facing challenges with regard to assessing the subject. These educators focus a lot on teaching and consider less on assessing the subject content. This article reveals that lack of understanding of various assessment strategies are used in Physical Science to prepare learners in examinations. The findings of this research proved that Science teachers had some knowledge in assessing learners, although they still experienced challenges with implementing the requirements as prescribed CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement), in assessing Physical Sciences. The same teachers are partly responsible in demoralising learners as they only focus on the portfolios that are chosen for moderation. These findings leave room for further research as some findings show that teachers need adequate training, they lack understanding of assessment strategies. Findings also show a great divergence regarding teachers’ views about assessment tasks for Physical Science. The authors recommend that if relevant assessment strategies and understanding of the implementation of CAPS document are adhered to, results are likely to improve. Science teachers are advised to encourage learners to engage more on exploring practical work or experiments. It is recommended that time allocation for Physical Science be reviewed and educators should be trained to develop a variety of assessment strategies. The Heads of Departments and Curriculum Education Specialists should monitor informal and formal assessment for Science subjects.
Assessment, Physical science, Curriculum, Policy.