1 University of West Bohemia (CZECH REPUBLIC)
2 T. Kościuszko Primary School in Mierzęcice (POLAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2360-2367
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0650
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The article discusses the theoretical background and the results of research on the impact of organizational factors of science on the learning outcomes in chemistry. Chemistry was selected for research, after prior analysis, of the relationship between the concepts appearing in the core curricula for natural subjects. As a result of these studies, it turned out that in chemistry there are the closest correlations between individual topics and the lack of knowledge of one topic strongly affects the misunderstanding of the next topic. Therefore, the proper organization of work, including the regularity of learning, are particularly important in the process of chemical education.
The research focuses on examining the impact of organizational factors on the learning outcomes of students in grade 8 of primary schools. Especially on issues related to the topics "acids and hydroxides" and "salts". Because many years of observation have shown that the correlation between students' knowledge of the topic "salt" is closely related to their understanding of the topic"acids and bases".
While there is a large number of studies on time management (over 6,000 found in the WoS for the period 1990-2021), only about 1,000 are related to any pedagogical research and 400 are related to science education research. More than 160 publications concern medical sciences, and only 11 - are chemistry. However, in these articles, scheduling refers to lab activities (especially organic chemistry labs) rather than scheduling students' study time.
While it is true that the systematic study of chemistry affects student performance, only one article specifically addresses the difficulties in teaching/learning chemistry related to systematics and describes how to plan to learn.
It seems, therefore, that the subject of studying the impact of time organization on the effects of chemistry learning by students is an interesting and new area of research.
The research showed the teacher's positive role in managing learning time in chemistry and its impact on changing students' attitudes towards managing learning time. Researchers Vaino and Holbrook came to similar conclusions, who believe that the introduction of modern technologies to learning and showing students how to organize their learning time will eventually result in good habits of systematic learning and increased motivation to learn. This, in turn, should lead to better and better academic performance. It was shown that reminding the teacher of the task influenced the number of tasks performed by students. And that there is a correlation between the results of knowledge tests on the topic "Acids and hydroxides" and the results of knowledge tests on the topic "Salts".
Research shows that students want to work with the instrument of their choice also outside of class. This form of work is attractive to them, it is the basis for action and unlimited search for new solutions. It is less stressful and creates a friendly atmosphere for students.
Time management, effectiveness of teaching.