Tyumen State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7341-7345
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1484
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Inclusive education in accordance with the Salamanca Declaration (UNESCO), in which all children, including disabled children, have access to regular classes with appropriate support. Since 2013, the principles of inclusive education have been enshrined in Russian legislation. But without the individual's readiness for inclusive initiatives and practices are unstable and Illusory. The teachers' positive attitudes towards inclusive education are critical to the success of all children in school( the golden ratio of inclusion). The appeal to the construct "the attitude of teachers to the inclusion of disabled children" is determined by the need to understand the significance of the personal factor of social and educational inclusion. The aim of the study is to provide a theoretical justification for the construct "Teachers' attitudes to inclusion of disabled children", to describe its structure, to study the relationship between teachers' attitude to inclusion and the success/failure of teaching children in an inclusive classroom. Attitude should be understood as "a mental and emotional state of readiness, realized through experience, and influencing a person's reaction to all the objects and situations with which he is associated" (Ollport, 1935). To understanding the position of the individual as a system of relations (as connections of the individual with different aspects of reality), we propose a working definition of the attitudes towards inclusion as a system of relations of the individual to inclusion and specific social groups. Extrapolating the traditional triad of the mental to the attitudes to inclusion, we offer a description of the main components of the attitude: cognitive, emotional, behavioral.

The content of the components of teachers' attitudes to the inclusion of disabled children is the basis of the research tools. The sample of the study was made up of teachers of schools in the Tyumen region in the number of 219 people. A self-assessment questionnaire constructed in the form of bipolar scales was used as a diagnostic technique. This structure of the questionnaire allows us to conditionally assess the attitude of teachers to the inclusion of disabled children as positive, negative, and uncertain.

The results of the study allow us to assess the attitudes of the interviewed teachers to the inclusion of disabled children in the Tyumen region mainly as vaguely negative. Teachers generally have information about the processes of inclusion, but find it difficult to determine their attitude to it; they have mostly negative feelings towards people and children with disabilities. We emphasize the low motivation to interact with them, as well as the low degree of personal involvement in the interaction process. According to Schneider (2018) resources in inclusive education include human resources, teaching materials, and special resources. So, the study of the attitudes of teachers towards inclusion of children with disabilities of the Tyumen region does not allow us to consider this attitudes as a resource of inclusive education. A scientifically based and comprehensively provided system of professional training and psychological support for teachers of the Tyumen region is necessary for successful inclusion.

The research was funded by RFBR and Tyumen Region, number 20-413-720012 «The human dimension of inclusive school transformation: subjective well-being in conditions of heterogeneity»
Teachers' attitudes to inclusion, social inclusion, educational inclusion, children with disabilities.