1 University of Granada (SPAIN)
2 Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1582-1586
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0492
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The blog of the Master's Degree in Human Nutrition of the University of Granada (UGR) ( was born as a result of a teaching innovation project funded by the Quality Unit of the UGR ("AlumiBlog", code 22-150) whose objective was to create a virtual tool for active learning and promotion of knowledge transfer for students and teachers of the degree. The blog was thought of as a way to provide information in the field of Nutrition and Health based on scientific evidence to help counteract the information currently acquired by the majority of the general population, through "Influencers" and websites of dubious reliability, thus fighting against the “infoxication” we live in.

Currently, and also in contrast to the "Influencers", the figure of the "InfluScience", a socially influential scientist, has emerged. In this sense, the UGR has been a pioneer in creating a new model to measure the transfer of knowledge in the digital society: "InfluScience UGR" ( This is an institutional platform that uses altmetrics to assess the social influence of university research through a multidimensional model and has generated rankings ( with the most influential actors (researchers, universities or hospitals, among others) at the state level that can be consulted in general terms and also through specific scientific categories.

The concept of the social influence of research is becoming so important that, even in the latest criteria approved by ANECA (BOE 16/12/2023) to evaluate the research activity of university professors ("sexenios"), the bibliometric narrative has been included to justify the quality of scientific contributions, requiring the open access deposit of contributions and assessing, for the first time, their social impact with dimensions such as "social influence" or "social visibility", being able to provide as evidence the mention in blogs.

The Master's Degree in Human Nutrition of the UGR is a non-professionalizing master's degree, oriented towards training in scientific research. It is a degree of recognized prestige in which stands out the staff of professors with a scientific activity and production of excellence. Among them there are researchers with recognitions such as being "Highly Cited Researcher" or being among the 2% most cited researchers in the world and, more recently, appearing in the ranking "InfluScience UGR".

The blog of the Master's Degree in Human Nutrition of the UGR publishes entries that include, in part, the scientific production of its professors and students. This fact, in view of the current situation described, gives an added value to the blog and we consider of great interest to study its role as a tool in these new academic metrics and the real weight it may have on the social impact of the research activity of the teachers and students of the Master and, therefore, in its appearance in the new InfluScience rankings.
Blog creation, InfluScience, nutrition.