1 Multimedia University (MALAYSIA)
2 Universitas Telekom (INDONESIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4819-4823
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1203
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In the 2018 World Economic Forum, the skills posited to be needed for future graduates were innovative and analytical thinking skills, complex problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and creativity skills. As such, there is a need for institutions of higher learning to not only incorporate technology into their teaching and learning processes, but to also innovate the teaching and learning strategies for delivering content that is engaging to students. In other words, universities and the education process as a whole should change to incorporate the evolving student needs and the technological advancements, and for educators to modify their teaching styles to become more technologically supported. Malaysia has heeded that call to innovate with the introduction of the Malaysian Blueprint for Higher Education (2015-2025). In it, the Government outlined 10 shifts for redesigning educational frameworks in institutions of higher learning. However, in spite of this mandate to include technology in the classrooms, the majority of teaching methods is still predominantly lecture-based and teacher-centred, and research still shows a lack of pedagogically sound models for teaching and learning that can support this transition and create better student learning experiences.

In recent years, blended learning approaches have emerged as a possible solution to support the transition from conventional face-to-face teaching to technology-supported learning, and is growing in popularity due to the advancements of digital technologies available. Blended learning is the combination of face-to-face classrooms with online learning, and “the thoughtful integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences”. However, there is still a lack of confidence in educators to fully embrace this paradigm shift in teaching, and be aligned to the rapid adoption of technology among the Gen Z learners today.

Therefore, this research study sought to explore the incorporation of blended learning approaches into the classroom and investigated its impact on students’ learning experiences. Specifically, this study sought to address 2 of the 10 shifts stated in the Malaysian Blueprint for Higher Education, which were: 1) Globalised online learning (Shift 9) and 2) Transformed higher education learning (Shift 10). The research was also guided by the research question, “What is the impact of blended learning approaches on student learning experiences?”. Participants in this study were a cohort of 37 undergraduate IT students enrolled in a business communication course, which was normally conducted in a conventional setting. Using blended learning approaches, students were tasked to complete online assignments, participate in interactive videos and communicate and collaborate using Google Classroom and other Web 2.0 tools. A mixed method research design was used and data was collected using a survey questionnaire, open-ended questions and student comments. Findings from the study showed that students were very positive towards blended learning activities and were motivated to learn more. A blended learning framework, the EQUAD, is presented as a practical reference for educators seeking to transition from the “sage on the stage” to a facilitator, and to inculcate active learning in their students’ learning processes.
Blended Learning, Malaysia, Student Engagement, EQUAD, Malaysian Blueprint.