Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 398-403
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0159
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The reasons for writing are different: it may be to inform someone about something; a way to express our own preferences, ideas and views; submit a study assignment; prepare a project for your employer; or just write for fun. These aspects are even more important when writing in a foreign language. However, coping with them means moving further towards our goal: mastering a foreign language in the most natural way, understanding the differences between a foreign language and our native one, thinking in a foreign language and being able to freely express our opinions. The role and task of the teacher is to help students understand the importance of writing in the process of acquisition of a foreign language. This process is associated with mental (so-called cognitive) strategies, such as: thinking in a (foreign) language, remembering in a (foreign) language, and using a (foreign) language.

In the process of studying literature sources and observing our practical teaching work, we identified some cognitive algorithms used at the writing stages. These algorithms include: Preparatory stage. This stage includes strategies such as planning, using connecting words, revising text forms, revising punctuation, and selecting ideas. Processing stage. This stage includes strategies such as taking notes, searching for key information, comparing, applying the learned form of writing, and revising the text. The final stage. This stage includes strategies such as text checking, text presentation, and self-assessment. The preparatory stage allows the author to focus on the task and select ideas that might be relevant. This is a space for teachers to motivate their students. This stage should not last long so as not to lose enthusiasm for the topic and the ideas associated with it. During the processing stage, the author concentrates mainly on processing his ideas and thoughts. A sketch or diagram would be very helpful. At this stage, revision, correction of the text and editing, as well as rewriting of the text in its final form, take place. The final stage, as its name suggests, is the stage where the draft is turned into a final product. It may still undergo proofreading or final editing. At the end of this stage, the author can submit his text. The final stage is also the evaluation stage: a teacher, colleague, or even the author himself can evaluate the writing process and the final product.

Thus, throughout the stages of writing, the student is forced to use various cognitive strategies such as: repetition, organizing thoughts into a logical unit, making decisions, summarizing what he or she has heard, read, searching for key words in the text, detailed reading or speed reading and much more. These strategies support conscious manipulation of language, which is why the importance of writing during language acquisition is indispensable.
Student, university, foreign language, communication, teaching writing, stages, computer.