Institut Teknologi Bandung (INDONESIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
Business schools have gone through dynamic changes in the past. The world class group has changed their curriculum to meet the new challenges, but many of the rest do not know how to adapt theirs. Lack of a comprehensive and integrated reference has made things worse. There are some general references from industry association, consultant and world economic forum. Nonetheless, those references provide a general framework of skill in the future without specific association to business school. This paper is aimed at closing this gap. It is the result of focus group discussion, interview, desk study, site visit, literature study and series of debate in the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. The authors identified several fundamental skills for the future business schools. In addition, they investigate the interrelationship among those skill, which results in a structure of skills that enables systematic skill building by business schools. Furthermore, the authors also present stages and strategy on how to build those skills. It is their intention to share their study with a larger audience in order to get feedback and create a common view of future skills for business school through this conference. Keywords:
Curriculum, future skills, business school, skill stage, skill building strategy.