Dunarea de Jos Univerity of Galati (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 7068-7075
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1795
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The execution of the prison sentence does not exclude the necessity and the possibility of realizing other rights inherent to the person. Among them, we highlight the right to education, or the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova under art. 35 para. (1) indicates - the right to education is ensured through compulsory general education, through high school and professional education, through higher education, as well as through other forms of training and improvement.
The penitentiary environment represents a specific environment, from the point of view of the contingent and the dominant criminal subculture. The effort of the public authorities both from the Republic of Moldova and from the European Union states is to reduce the influence of the criminal subculture, through the training and social and psychological assistance necessary for the reintegration of the prisoner.
Currently, the National Penitentiary Authority, as the central public institution responsible for the development and implementation of policies and strategies for the development of the penitentiary system, has carried out a series of actions and measures in the field of education and social-psychological assistance. However, these are conditioned by financial and material deficiencies, but also by the lack of specialists in the field of training and education in the penitentiary environment of the Republic of Moldova.
Examining the collaboration of national legislation with the international normative framework; analyzing and studying the annual reports of the National Penitentiary Authority; studying of the national judicial practice through the lens of the imperative of re-education and correction of prisoners, who request release from criminal punishment; revealing the behavioral characteristics of prisoners from the Republic of Moldova for revealing the methods and means of educating and/or correcting them; detecting the shortcomings of the educational process in the penitentiary environment and the solutions to overcome them, etc. represent only part of the study results.
For the elaboration of the study, will be used the national legal framework of the Republic of Moldova, international normative acts in the field; of the method of selective interviewing of the employees responsible for the field of education of the National Authority of Penitentiaries and the Probation Service; allied documentation from the prisoners' personal files; the investigation of the criminal and executive criminal doctrine; by the statistical, historical and logical-legal method, etc.
The educational process is the exclusive way to avoid the degradation of convicts and their social reintegration. Education in penitentiaries is not limited only to the instructional-didactic process corresponding to the curricula of the study subjects of the education programs. The educational process involves both civic, IT, sports education, as well as social, psychological assistance, etc. A special role in the category of prison education is played by prison probation programs.
As the determining premise of the conclusion, we start from the idea that the educational process in the Penitentiary Institutions of the Republic of Moldova does not differ essentially from that of the general education system, but its achievement is specific, determined by several factors.
Professional training, training programs, reintegration of convicts, general education, penitentiary institution, execution of criminal sentences, prison sentence.