1 School of Dentistry - University of São Paulo (BRAZIL)
2 Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/OPAS/OMS) (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Teledentistry is a field that encompasses information and communication technologies (ICTs) actions applied to Dentistry, involving the exchange of clinical information, patient care promotion and the use of educational strategies over remote distances. This evidence map presents a summary of systematic reviews that addressed the variety of Teledentistry applications and its effects.
We applied the methodology developed by Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information based on the 3iE evidence gap map. The EMBASE, PubMed and Virtual Health Library databases, using the MeSH and DeCS terms for Teledentistry associated to e-health, dental education and oral health care. AMSTAR2 was used for the analysis. Tableau was used to graphically display the confidence level, number of reviews, health outcomes, and intervention effects.
44 systematic reviews were characterized, distributed in a matrix containing 9 intervention groups (combined actions; e-learning and teleducation; e-health; teleconsultation; tele monitoring; tele diagnosis; teleinterconsultation; tele screening; and technologies in clinical practice) and 7 outcome groups (diagnosis accuracy; dental education, curricula and pedagogical model; user behaviour with ICTs; clinical practice; patient centred outcomes; health service management; and health service access). The confidence levels of 6 studies were high, 2 were moderate, 2 were low and 34 were critically low based on the AMSTAR2 criteria. Most of the studies reported positive effects and a beneficial potential of Teledentistry applications; however, have failed to meet some of the AMSTAR2 quality standards. Most of the interventions were aimed at the evaluation of combined actions, e-health and telediagnosis; while most of the outcomes were aimed at patient centred outcomes, user behaviour with ICTs and clinical practice.
This evidence gap map presents an overview of contributions of Teledentistry in patient care, health services, clinical practice and education, and it is directed to researchers, health professionals and policy makers focused on improving the Dentistry field through the use of ICTs. This information may be useful to guide new research and to serve as an easy virtual tool to access valuable evidence-based information on Teledentistry. Keywords:
Systematic reviews, Dental Education, Telemedicine, Evidence Gap Map, Health Information Technologies.