University of Barcelona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 8545-8551
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.2030
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
An action of GIDTF (Teaching Innovation Group of Pharmaceutical Technology) and GIDAT (Group in Evaluation and Technology) groups carried out in the subject of Introduction to Galenic Pharmacy (1st year and 2n semester) of the degree of Pharmacy-University of Barcelona (UB) within the R&D project (PID2019-104285GB-100) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the UB Project (2021PID-UB/022) is presented.

A pilot experience was implemented in 2020-21 firstly to engage the students in an active learning method and secondly to improve diverse skills both for the Degree and for their future working life. It consisted of entrusting the students with the development of the two themes of the program on administration and pharmaceutical forms as knowledge pills in video format. In addition, peer assessment was implemented in two experimental groups to provide interactive feedback between them, giving very encouraging results.

For the current academic year, the peer review has been extended to all students, carrying out in parallel an intervention in the self-regulation of learning. The Moodle platform has been used to design the questionnaire on the understanding of assessment criteria and the task planning, the workshop group submission and peer assessment, as well as the feedback for the reflection based on the feedback received. These tools contribute to self-regulated learning according to Zimmerman's cyclical model, which considers the phases of planning, monitoring and reflection. Thus, students are encouraged to have a more active role.

The population involved corresponds to the 348 students (2021-22) who opted to take the continuous assessment, distributed into 6 groups. Within each group, student teams (4 people) were formed to deal with the content of 22 knowledge pills in video format based on recording a PowerPoint (ppt) presentation with audio narration. Two loops of peer-to-peer feedback and assessment was designed using Moodle Workshop so that each team could give and receive constructive criticism first about the ppt and then about the corresponding video.

An assessment template was created for the 7 quality criteria:
a) Degree of elaboration and technical quality of the video,
b) Capture of interest and structuring of information,
c) Academic style,
d) Content 1 (Administration route),
e) Content 2 (Route advantages and disadvantages),
f) Content 3 (Dosage forms types),
g) Content 4 (Dosage form under study).

For each criterion, the students have to highlight the positive points and indicate the aspects to be improved, corrected or added. In this way, they provide constructive written feedback and also an overall assessment of the product created. Finally, each student team has the opportunity to make a second version of the video which is the one the teacher finally evaluates.

In this work, the first results concerning the initial loop of peer-to-peer feedback is presented.

The initiative was very well received and the student teams were formed in less than 6 days. Although the Moodle usability has shown some weakness, all the student except one completed the planning phase activities. There was an active participation in the doubts forum. 337 students submitted the ppt on time in the Moodle Workshop (6 did not do so due to oversight and 5 due to abandonment of Pharmacy Degree). Around 90% of students attended the face-to-face peer feedback sessions. It has been found that the students are able to indicate areas for improvement in several of the quality criteria, especially the Content 4.
Innovation, skills, feedback, self-regulated learning, peer assessment, Moodle, video.