1 Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO (COLOMBIA)
2 Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 2713-2716
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0727
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
Research training is one of the pillars in academy because it allows the interdisciplinarity with the possibility to integrate knowledge into everyday life and to identify social problems. The research subject in undergraduate students becomes a way for meaningful learning and a way to solve environmental situations through logical-sequential methodologies. This necessity to develop investigative skills arises from the nineteenth century, when a community among masters, people prepared in different sciences and students was conformed, they adjusted meetings in order to keep in touch with experts. From this age, the faculties were structured, they were in charge of offering the curriculum and the department where its members were experts professors in different areas. One of the aspects that enriched the experience of these members was research. In that century the German university model was proposed with a new learning approach to train scientists and experts in the different disciplines articulated with research, for an intellectual development and development of pure science.

Research has relevance in education this is why, it is quite important to teach it in an assertive way. Therefore, a participatory action research was designed for the implementation of didactic resources different from the conventional ones that can be used in the first academic semesters where the research seminars are taught. In order to guide the methodological processes in a playful way and to develop the investigative competences in students of technical professional programs. Taking into account that the traditional methods do not allow reflection, questioning and appropriation of knowledge, nor transfer it to the everyday life, they only generate short-term memory, from the rote technique, without putting into practice the learned knowledge about the scientific method and how to implement it. An epistemological literature, science classification and definitions of problematic situations are imparted, but this does not allows to build information, to generate a hypothesis or an intervention that leads to solutions.

During the development of this research, the teacher was a facilitator of learning. According to the research competence to strengthen, a resource was assigned, activities, scope, learning hypothesis and evaluation criteria. The rubrics were also defined according to the competence. Some of the obtained results were that there was more understanding of each methodological process from selecting a problem, writing some objectives to arguing the gathered theories to solve real cases, it means that, the manage of resources involving student participation allows them to develop critical thinking, mastery of concepts, comprehension of an environment and identification of contents to support a research. The study also allowed to conclude that training in investigative skills with different and attractive methods generates development in teamwork and interdisciplinary, skills to manage autonomous learning, project design, ability to use qualitative and quantitative instruments and the capacity to justify and argue an idea.
Research training, research skills, teaching resources, learning methodologies, professional technical careers.