University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The spread of the corona virus on a global scale is causing a crisis, defined as the most significant since the World War II. The world is no longer the same. Against the background of unconventionally optimistic forecasts for the reflection of the situation on the world economy, the field of education – considered to be one of the most conservative, has mobilized itself extremely quickly and proves that it can also function under any circumstances. The dynamic development of events at the moment necessitates the change for education on a global scale.
This situation has changed the rhythm of work of educational institutions, universities; it has developed and supplemented the opportunities for the use of virtual meetings and online consultations with teachers, as well as the opportunities for taking exams from home. Intensively applied to much more programs and distant learning technologies, for virtual meetings and consultations with teachers, learning in digital environment, and incredible number of free shared resources – these are only some of the changes that have already become a reality in many places in the world.
Bulgaria is smoothly but steadily adapting to the situation. The possibility of teaching materials to be shared through the online platform and students to prepare independently is now a reality. Most of the higher education institutions in Bulgaria already have developed independent systems for content sharing.
This report examines some teaching practices at ULSIT aimed at supporting the independence of trainees in the period of emergency imposed in relation to COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria.
The authors of the report review the experience and results of conducting lectures, seminars and exam sessions in several of the specialties at the Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage, ULSIT and discuss pedagogical and practical elements of teaching and communication only through distance communication, analyzing the interaction and results. Various forms of communication between teacher and student are presented, including through the use of social networks as the most familiar and accessible, which learners use in their daily lives.
The results of the study reveal significant changes in the process of learning and testing in a digital environment over a long period of social distance.Keywords:
COVID- 19, Bulgaria, social network, student engagement, teaching with ICT.