University of Granada (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2016 Proceedings
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 33-38
ISBN: 978-84-608-5617-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2016.1004
Conference name: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-9 March, 2016
Location: Valencia, Spain
In the process of change of the productive model towards a sustainable economy, it is becoming necessary the participation of the Ph.D. graduates in the generation and impulse of the research, development and innovation, making possible the transfer of knowledge to the society.

Since Louvain's communication in 2009, a Ph.D. represents the third cycle in University education and the European countries have highlighted the importance of the aspects that must characterize a Ph.D. program in the frame of the European Space of Higher Education. For this reason, the formation and training of the researchers is a key element in the society of the knowledge. This way, it is necessary to acquire a series of capacities in the formative stage of the Ph.D. student. These actions promote a formative doctoral model with base in the University but that allows to establish relationships and crosslinks with other organizations or institutions that facilitate the development in research, development and innovation, either in the national or international area.

Therefore the current structure of a Ph.D. program has to promote and to stimulate the acquisition of knowledge in those who have to lead the transfer of the knowledge, by means of an organization of the doctoral formation and training that includes formative actions that do not need to be structured in the form of ECTS credits of the program, allowing to the Ph.D. student to acquire competences of systematic comprehension of the field of study, domain of skills and methods of research, the aptitude to conceive, to design, creating or putting into practice a process of research, the analysis and evaluation of the research performed, always promoting the internationalization of the scientific community and the transfer of knowledge.

Within this frame of higher education, it is really useful the presence of a tutor who allows to guide the postgraduate student towards the differentiation and professional specialization, supervising and giving advice to the student, guiding it always towards the excellence, by means of a program prearranged and established of mentorship.

In this respect this work tries to reveal the lines of action and the importance of the processes of tutorship and formative actions together with the international mobility in a program of doctorate with quality mention.
Tutorship, Postgraduate, Doctorate.