University of Alicante (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
Web 3.0 represents the next step in the development of the web paradigm. Its main objective is to facilitate access, search, sharing and management of information through the combination of technologies and knowledge management structures. This evolution provides tools for the storage, exchange and consultation of this information through the development and inclusion of metadata and ontologies of the body of knowledge. Its objective is that these platforms can be consulted by automatic systems that allow semantic searches among their contents and improve their interoperability with other systems. This paradigm can be exploited in the teaching-learning processes to structure, store and share the contents through automatic query systems hosted in semantic webs that deal with the bodies of knowledge of the subjects.
The computer science discipline is especially suitable for this purpose due to its complexity and the wide variety of concepts it contains. The working hypotheses of this project are the following: on the one hand, it is considered that a greater degree of assimilation and understanding of the subject will be obtained by the students if they have a structured knowledge base on the contents and with a web semantics for access. On the other hand, we think that this semantic web constitutes a valuable teaching tool that will allow ordering the contents and improving the efficiency of the teaching-learning processes while allowing structured knowledge queries on the part of the students.
The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of using Semantic Web tools for Teaching Support of university computer science studies, complementing and expanding other previous research of the team of professors in this field.Keywords:
Web 3.0, knowledge management system, computer science, semantic web.