Uniminuto (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5361-5364
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1335
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
This presentation is the proposal that has been designed and implemented by a master's level program of a Colombian university to solve the problem of research production (academic articles, books, book chapters) from the academic route defined in its study plan. In this sense, the master's degree has developed, as of 2018, a total of 86 applied research projects that have generated dissemination products such as articles, book chapters and books, during the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 in a much higher percentage than in previous years.

But how has this change been achieved? The answer lies in what has been called NODE PROJECTS. A node project is created by research professors of the academic program with the support of a research group associated with the institution. Its objective is to promote and manage collaborative scientific research based on the needs of the environment at national and international level, generating new knowledge and innovation, through the publication of articles, book chapters in indexed journals and / or events of high academic impact.
The node projects are aimed at empathetic students with a theme and scenarios for their development so that they participate as co-researchers and / or research assistants as postgraduate students. Its scope is national and/or international depending on the nature of each project. These projects are built within the courses assigned to the research line within the academic route of the program.
The suggested research route is three courses of 48 hours per period, where each of them is a prerequisite for the next. The suggested research path is three 48-hour courses per term, each one being a prerequisite for the next. In this sense, during the first course the applied research problem is formulated through the research questions; its possible solution based on the purpose and specific objectives; in addition to defining the justification and its scope. Once the formulation of the research problem is finished, the course will focus on the referential framework, which will include the contextual framework, the theoretical framework and the legal framework of the investigation.
In the second course, the methodological design of applied research and its application to the defined sample will be established. The objective of this course is to implement the validated instruments to the sample for convenience adopted. In this sense, most of the research would have a qualitative approach. Once all the data has been collected, the analysis of the results will be carried out through the categorization aligned to the purpose and objectives of the applied research.
The third and last course will focus on consolidating the research work by presenting the findings, conclusions and recommendations in light of the assumptions of the scientific theories of recognized authors on the subject introduced in the theoretical framework. And it is at this point where the "miracle" occurs, each research group is required to disseminate the product in the academic community through an article, book chapter or book resulting from research.
The node projects have made it possible for the program to be a reference in various contexts of the Colombian geography, from rural, local, regional, national and international scenarios where teachers, students and graduates are present.
Research Learning, Collective Research, Teaching Research, Academic Production.