1 ESIC Marketing and Business School (SPAIN)
2 Universidad de Valencia (SPAIN)
3 Universidad Politécnica de Valenica (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 626-630
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0157
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
It is nothing new that new technologies are advancing in leaps and bounds. Every day fresh developments that give us the ability to improve our daily and professional lives arise. In this new, interconnected and globalized world, applications and platforms are increasingly taking centre stage in the workplace, education and personal spheres (Lockyer, & Patterson, 2008).

This fact, together with the unpredictable but important crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, has provided the opportunity (and almost the obligation) for the education sector to implement new technologies and network resources as the main methodologies and means for teaching (Teräs, Suoranta, Teräs & Crucher, 2020).

Among these new media docents, we can find some platforms that can make education much more effective, dynamic, participatory and fluid. Firstly, we find Quizlet. It is a gamified online learning tool for teachers and alumnus, which has many built-in functions, making it very complete: classroom games, quizzes, teacher’s resources and study content. It can be used both for mobile phones with Android and iOS, as well as laptops and computers (Vargas, 2011). Secondly, Canvas, which is another educational platform with multiple functions that make the organization easier: it allows you to create very complete modules with different options, create groups within each class, provide feedback to students through video responses, or create discussion forums among many other functions (Endozo, Oluyinka, & Daenos, 2019) . Thirdly, Trivinet is a collaborative didactic gamification tool. It not only helps students to better acquire the concept, but also allows the professor to generate individual and group statistics on the results, among other functions (González, 2019).

The objectives that underlie this study are, firstly, to present these teaching tools that can be very useful for many education workforce; second, to analyse them and observe what are the main differences and utilities between these instruments; and third, to help develop a hybrid and modern teaching experience adapted to today's new needs. For this reason, we will carry out an analysis of the main characteristics and utilities, as well as a classification by the different stages of education, and the recommendation for use depending on them.

[1] Endozo, A. N., Oluyinka, S., & Daenos, R. G. (2019, October). Teachers' Experiences towards Usage of Learning Management System: CANVAS. In Proceedings of the 2019 11th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (pp. 91-95).
[2] González, H. T. (2019). Recursos tecnológicos para la integración de la gamificación en el aula. Revista Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación, (13), 75-117.
[3] Lockyer, L., & Patterson, J. (2008, July). Integrating social networking technologies in education: a case study of a formal learning environment. In 2008 eighth IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies (pp. 529-533). IEEE.
[4] Teräs, M., Suoranta, J., Teräs, H., & Curcher, M. (2020). Post-Covid-19 education and education technology ‘solutionism’: A seller’s market. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-16.
[5] Vargas, J. M. (2011). Modern learning: Quizlet in the social studies classroom (Doctoral dissertation, Wichita State University).
Educational apps, gamification, learning tools, teaching adaptation.