University of Plzen (ZCU) (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6396-6401
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1627
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The aim of the following paper is to present a questionnaire survey that will be carried out in public schools in the Czech Republic as a part of a Ph.D.-thesis in the field of teacher training in science and technology (shortly STEM for mathematics, informatics, physics and engineering; generally technical education). The research study is aiming at primary and lower secondary level pupils (class 3 to 9, age 8 to 16 years) with main focus at their preconceptions, knowledge, interests and needs concerning smart home appliances and computer-controlled machines (e.g. 3D printers or milling and engraving machines).The team of authors plans to further develop a modern teaching concept for simple microcontroller programming, automation and robotics, that will be based on the results of the above mentioned questionnaire survey. In this paper we briefly summarize the main findings and draw a path for future research.

Nowadays, when we face the challenges of an upcoming fourth industrial revolution, sociologists, politicians and corporations become increasingly aware that there will soon be a shortage of technical experts in the population. Scientific and technological advances happen much faster than the education system can react. Are today’s children prepared for their future jobs and their everyday lives? The goal of this paper is to find the answer to this question and also the answers to the question how and at what educational level we can successfully implement the basics of algorithmization into existing school subjects, as well as the answer to when we should start teaching simple programming skills and finally the programming of computer controlled devices. That applies not only to machines in industrial production, but also to smart electrical appliances found in every modern household, like for example automatic heating and air condition, or in a modern semi-autonomous car.

Based on the above mentioned, there are for sure two different educational goals. The first, less significant, requirement for the society is the ability of general public (people with no higher technical education) to control so-called smart appliances or smart homes. Controlling home electro installation by smart phones via various systems, such as Apple HomeKit, is an often cited example. It may not only be the possibility to switch on the lights, but also to set a simple algorithm, so that a device performs certain activity automatically. For example, if all family members leave the house, all lights will switch off etc. The second requirement from the society’s point of view is to supply technically educated staff. That is not necessarily only about electrical and mechanical engineers. There is also a strong demand from the industry for lower education to focus more on programming PLC machines, manipulators and smart devices.

There are already successful educational projects in the field of programming and robotics worldwide, most of them for secondary level school. At first these will be shortly introduced and compared. We are continuously looking for existing practical solutions and trying to adapt them for our case as far as possible to minimize drawbacks and increase acceptance on primary and lower secondary schools. It is expected that those lessons will get pupils ready for their everyday life as well as that they raise their interest in science and modern technologies, which could further lead to their desired profession later in the future.
Computer-controlled machine, robot, smart appliance, smart home, Technical Education, STEM, Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, Czech Republic.