About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2287-2294
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0634
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The consolidation of informal learning processes among teachers inevitably passes through the development of methodologies and models for the representation of the best innovation practices in schools today, as functional tools to make explicit the knowledge that the school possesses and to make transferable some of the paths that are realised in practice [1]. The service the individual school or the individual teacher can provide to the broader school community can be configured as the production of experiences that can be transferred to other contexts such as to implement educational research and develop new learning scenarios and new in-service training methods. These perspectives place documentation as a cultural value for the individual and the community [2]. In research terms, this means investigating the varied functions and interpretations underlying the term 'documentation' and delving into the ways in which documentation is created and used as a tool for work and continuous improvement [3]. The research and service activity presented in this paper aims to deepen the study of transformation processes in the educational world and, in parallel, the ways of documenting them. This interest stems from a reflection on the importance of a systematic look at these processes: while the school system is very lively, what happens within it sometimes remains circumscribed to the specific sphere in which it takes place. Moreover this is the need for the observation of the school system not to be produced only by external subjects, but to be born - in a bottom up process - also through listening to and narrating the educating community itself and all the actors who live the school every day, who can thus find the opportunities and tools to tell and narrate themselves. The need to observe the school according to multidimensional visions is combined with the opportunities offered by the new technological paradigms.

The research related to the establishment of a "Library of Innovation", even in the face of the complexities that the school system is experiencing, can be a possible example of cooperation and professional interaction between peers, aimed at the "passage" of "knowledge", between more mature schools, the movements, towards weaker schools, and encourage the socialisation of motivations and cultural stimuli as well as representing a privileged channel to stimulate and speed up first level training processes that are experienced by teachers as spontaneous opportunities for professional growth. The growing heritage shared autonomously by the school on the platform now makes it possible to think of and develop new functions to transform the environment from a documentary repository into an information system enriched by data analytics solutions, capable of returning to the community the data of interactions and thus a snapshot of the school that innovates and a picture of the educational trends/needs of the school community, as well as highlighting the themes and aspects less represented in school narratives or certain social needs still perceived as distant from the educational environment.

[1] Marotta, S. (2015). Documentazione come risorsa. Final Report. (ver. 30.08.2022).
[2] Schildkamp, M.K. Lai, L. Earl, (2013) Data-based decision making : conclusions and a data useframework. 177-191: Springer: Dordrecht
[3] Senge, P. M. (2012). Creating schools for the future, not the past for all students. Leader to Leader, 65, 45-49.
Best innovative practice, repository, OER, user-generated content.