Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 346-350
ISBN: 978-84-613-2953-3
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 2nd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2009
Location: Madrid, Spain
This article is a specific comprehensive training proposal into the Faculty of Electronics (FCE),of the University of Puebla in Mexico (BUAP).The context of their creation is the modification of academic and educational model that during the years 2005 and 2006 were built with the participation of a large number of university contributing with ideas and concepts that are now enshrined in documents of the University Minerva Model (MUM). This participatory construction as it was named the process of developing the model, it continued its implementation in different actions, one is a curriculum development in each of the academic units of the institution, it is in this dimension of the realization of MUM, where this pedagogical experience is enrolled and a shape specific is acquired in the environment at FCE of the Engineering and Technology areas. The Integrated training proposal through projects life,is based on a curriculum structure comprised of a cross-correlated, which are integrated operationally from a System Projects (SP), whose fusion of interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and attitudes will have a level of binding in addition to the aspects of the discipline and skills of a general nature like types of logical and scientific thinking, the communication; the related to the area of the motivations, beliefs and values are included. Among the projects considered in this SP is the Plan of Life, viewed as a strategy for achieving the cross-cutting educational goal: the development of a comprehensive and independent personality, which guides the academic work of teachers in the Academic Unit. In this perspective, are contained the humanism philosophy principles, that understands the critical nature and human existence in a historical context in which human beings construct their own reality and the education for life with socio-cultural constructivist approach, the same that in MUM which result in an integrated training, designed as the promotion of autonomy in the individual, the skills of critical thinking, creative and attitudes for a better quality of life. According to Piaget, adolescence ends with a winning personality and the inclusion in adult society; it conforms to the internal organization of the rules, the values and the affirmation of the will as regulation and moral hierarchy of trends. This means that the hypothetical-deductive thinking, the winning personality and the inclusion in adult society are closely related phenomena. This project builds on the idea that higher level students are at the threshold of admission to adult society, they are economically dependent on their parents mostly and they are still in the process of consolidation of abstract thought. Hence it is at this stage, the professional training, in which the institution must step up efforts to consolidate and enhance their personality and their development to potency: from heteronomy to autonomy. Life projects (PV) promote that general trend of development of personality, and autonomy, whose leadership is based on a system of basic attitudes and motivations, expressed as a set of values that shape the design of the world. Their construction begin from the real external conditions of the individual and the configuration of their personal experience, possibilities or available resources, the system needs, goals and aspirations, as well as a formation of life sense and personal and social identity whose values are vital.
comprehensive training, logical thinking, project life, complex thinking.