The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Management of the Russian Ac (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9948-9951
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2038
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The head of the education system (ES) in the Russian Federation must, first of all, ensure the regular functioning of the educational organizations and promote innovative projects that contribute to the development of the ES at the level of a region, a municipality or a separate educational organization (EO).
A significant drawback of the existing approaches to managing ES is their focus on traditional technologies that do not imply high predictability of processes and systems. In this case, the control process can be localized and more or less automated. In conditions of instability, a global approach is needed, a vision of the situation as a whole, mastery of a new, meta-subject toolkit.

As shown by opinion polls, more than 90% of managers understand the importance of the information factor in the management of an educational institution. However, only 12% of them are able to organize information flows within the education system correctly and effectively.

It should be emphasized that the digital environment of ES operates according to some well-known patterns that must be taken into account when implementing management models, in particular:
- Kharkevich's law (the intensity of information flows increases squarely in relation to tangible assets). For example, in order to double the efficiency of the EO material component, information flows must be quadrupled;
- Ashby's law of necessary diversity: the diversity of the governing body should be no less than the diversity of the management object. The consequence of this law is the recognition of the need for an extensive management system. A single source of control makes this system ineffective.

As for the tools, today the market for digital technologies for the management sector is developing very dynamically. A significant part of digital products is flexible and can be “customized” to the tasks solved in a specific education system. For example, the management of the education system of Moscow is based on specialized urban information and analytical systems (GIAS): "State educational services in electronic form", "Monitoring of integrated development", "Register of state institutions", "Unified automated information system of trading", etc. ...

Practice has shown that the development (“tuning”) and implementation of digital technologies in the management sphere is a laborious and costly process. In this regard, the leader must douse with the competencies necessary to assess the effectiveness of measures aimed at digitalization. To assess this efficiency, it is necessary:
- to highlight the factors that are "responsible" for the effectiveness of measures for the digitalization of management activities;
- to identify the direction of action of these factors;
- to form indicators for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the influence of the selected factors on the process of digitalization of the management activities of an educational institution;
- determination of methods for calculating these indicators.

The ability to adequately assess the effectiveness of digitalization of management activities is today one of the key requirements for the heads of the education system, who are included in the state personnel reserve of ES.
Management, education system, digitalization, state personnel reserve, competencies.