The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Management of the Russian Ac (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9943-9947
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2037
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The article addresses the problems of functioning and development of small schools in remote areas of the Russian Federation (rural and small towns schools) as a typical and at the same time special institution within the national educational system of the Russian Federation. Emphasis is placed on interregional and intraregional comparisons, heterogeneity of external and internal conditions (economic, natural, ethno cultural, social), as well as on the development of the digital educational environment as one of the effective elements of the educational management system in similar schools. For analysis, federal statistical observation data, cases of development of small schools, sociological studies were used.

At present, in the Russian Federation, one can state a tendency towards an increase the small schools in remote areas (SR-Schools). In the central regions, these schools make up 30% of all educational institutions, in Siberia, the Far East and regions of the Far North, there are already 80% of such schools. Today the SR-School is the leading type of educational institutions in about 70% of the municipal educational systems of the Russian Federation.

Despite the presence of some positive experience and the successful results of the activities of individual schools, in general, the results of intermediate state control and unified national testing, analysis of the further life self-determination of graduates indicate the existence of a gap in the general education of students of small-class schools in comparison with ordinary city schools. The reasons lie in the insufficient elaboration of the methodological, substantive, methodological, technological components of the organization of the educational process at SR-Schools.

The problems of SR-Schools are relevant not only for Russia, but also for a number of countries of Western Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, China, Russia etc. In almost all foreign countries they have a similar nature of problems. Accordingly, the solution to these problems has a certain versatility. In a modern digital society, this versatility is ensured by reliance on the digital educational environment (DEE).

The DEE model of the system of SR-Schools within the selected region has its own specifics, in comparison with the DEE of other educational institutions. It is important to describe this system, both structural and process models.

The model of each DEE is a structure of business processes with entry points, exit points and control mechanisms. The main structural units of this model are the processes of training, education and management.

The model of the DEE system includes a description of information flows between all components of the system. The analysis of the constructed DEE model allows us to outline the strategy for solving a number of key problems of the SR-Schools, in particular the problem of the stability of the educational system of SR-Schools.

In the development of SR-Schools, attention is increasingly being focused on its resistance to external influences, this is especially important in conditions of uncertainty that is characteristic of the modern digital society. Within the framework of the considered DEE model, the problem of sustainability can be translated into the language of positive and negative feedback. By analyzing the number of inputs and outputs, you can determine the sign of the feedback within the selected fragment of the model. This gives an idea of its sustainability.
Educational process management system, small schools in remote areas, the digital educational environment, interregional and intraregional comparisons, teaching, educational and management activities, model of the digital educational environment, stability of systems.