Mondragon University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
The fast development of information and communication technology ends into a new social schema. These multiple changes in our environment derive in new learning necessities, and its consequent learning methodologies. Therefore, an existing need to update and integrate a new curriculum, which would take into consideration the needs of students, and the use of information communication technologies is required. In this framework, the gamification offers the opportunity to increase the interest in students, as well as to motivate them, connect and empower their communication and sharing.
The main goal of this paper is to present the use of an active methodology in Mondragon University (Master of Business Innovation and Project Management). The educational model in this university is based on Project Based Learning (PBL). This methodology establishes its principles on a model that organizes learning around projects. These projects are complex tasks, focused on real challenging questions or problems, that engage students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities. This process gives students the opportunity to work strongly with the companies of the region, and be currently immersed in the labor market.
In this context Gamification seems to be the most effective approach to increase student engagement, motivation, and in-class participation. This term involves the application of game elements and player incentives to non-game environments. Its success depends on the game mechanics employed and their effects on user motivation and immersion. Nowadays learners are digital natives and have new profile. They grew up with digital technologies and have different learning styles, new attitude to the learning process, and higher requirements for teaching and learning. Due to this new paradigm, teachers have to use different teaching methods and approaches that allow students to be active participants with strong motivation and engagement to their own learning.
This work aims to present the case study developed in the master of analysis. Students were asked to elaborate a Business Model (BM) for a new product or service in groups of five people. Group Model Building (GMB) and System Dynamics (SD) simulation were used to promote discussion about the different possible future scenarios that could appear in this process.
The results suggest that the use of problem-solving methods, such as GMB, helps to achieve a deeper learning. This methodology engages systems thinking perspective, and learners obtain a holistic understanding of the challenges to be solved in class. In addition, this technique based on trial and error, enhances a faster and more effective learning in comparison to the traditional lessons.Keywords:
Gamification, Active Methodologies, System Dynamics.