University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The topics of visual communication, visual literacy and visual culture are being increasingly discussed in public as well as analyzed by researchers. Attempts to give precise definitions of these concepts are still impossible, which is dictated by the direct connection of visual products with information technology, which are changing dynamically. However, with the help of technology it is now possible to easily create and promote images.
Illustrative elements are increasingly present, and in many cases dominate in educational publications. The following text presents a brief overview of some of the Bulgarian textbooks, teaching aids and children's books of educational nature. The importance of illustration in the education and upbringing of children in pre-school and primary school age is emphasized. The functions of the illustrations are considered in several aspects: for informative and cognitive purposes; for faster comprehension and reproduction of texts; to stimulate children’s imagination in creating their own stories based on images; to unravel hidden messages; to educate in aesthetic taste; to stimulate creativity when drawing, etc.
I have tried to present the various types of illustration when it comes to techniques and creation approaches – graphics, photography, painting, mixed media, comic illustrations. Particular attention is paid to their concept, theme and purpose as well as their connection with the text. I have also outlined the specifics of children's illustration and its influence on the development and upbringing of children and its educational function with students. A comparison is made between the illustration’s distinctive features and its meaning before the arrival of computer technology and modern trends in illustration.Keywords:
Illustration, visual communication, textbooks, education, Bulgaria.