1 Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia (SPAIN)
2 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in:
INTED2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1162-1168
ISBN: 978-84-616-2661-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-5 March, 2013
Location: Valencia, Spain
The didactic experience that follows is framed in the subject of Architectural Preservation (4.5 credits every four months), taught at School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica of Cataluña. The subject has two complementary learning lines, mainly based on Restoration Theory and Project Practice. Both didactic activities, developed through face-to-face experiences in classroom and group autonomous work, have a critical and personal feedback from the students.
Throughout various academic years the teachers have implemented some educational dynamics such as the exercise of the debate and the reflection in group. Furthermore, discussions on current issues are crucial to train the student in good professional practice of conservation of historic architecture. In addition, the discipline taught is continuously reflected in the reality in a dynamic way, interlinking daily restoration and practical design theory, thus making this synergy live object of debates, activities or social reflections.
Therefore, the teachers of the subject, given this fertile context, have proposed to generate the "Res-Arquitectura" platform, taking advantage of the potential of one of the best-known social networks employed today, facebook. So, the material produced in the suggestive mixture between the discipline taught in classrooms and its multiple forms crystallized in society is compiled, organized, shared and commented on.
In this way, a cooperative collaborative exercise is generated where students themselves enrich the current news in the field of the conservation of built heritage with their analysis. Thus, a group of students each week selects a topic of debate. This debate gives birth to many thoughts reflected in the facebook page. At the same time, this page also encourages a sense of educational community in the framework of the subject. This type of activity helps the students to understand that the conservation of architectural heritage is a subject of current importance, present in the society and object of debate. It also shows them that the subject taught enables them to form part of this debate.Keywords:
Social network platform, teaching synergy, educational community.