1 Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ITALY)
2 Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Palermo (ITALY)
3 Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto (PORTUGAL)
4 Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta (ROMANIA)
5 National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (UNITED KINGDOM)
6 Istituto Tolman (ITALY)
7 UC Leuven-Limburg (BELGIUM)
About this paper:
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) are a persistent and multiple manifestation of maladaptive behaviours which interfere with the students’ learning, social functioning and development and/or that of their peers (Cefai, 2010, p.117). They may become apparent through withdrawn, passive, aggressive or self-injurious tendencies (DfEE, 1994). The prevalence of these disorders is 2-16% of the general population. Children with SEBD, diagnosed or not, are likely to live in social isolation, to receive a poor education, and they risk becoming deviant teenagers, or unemployed adults. A way to approach SEBD with consistent level of educational success is to equip teachers with proper training on practical and proven classroom management strategies, but also with evidence-based tools that can help them to effectively control difficult behaviours with confidence and competence. This contribution presents the web-based BEHAVE application aimed to ease the way for teachers to apply behavioral evidence-based interventions at school. The application has a responsive template meaning that the interface of the application renders well on a many screen sizes.
The application provides users with the following features:
session-to-session measures can be created using 6 widgets (choice, integer, four quadrant diagram, range, text, and duration, frequency, and interval recording).
data can be gathered from observers using the above-mentioned measure tool. According to a single case design, the collected data can be associated to specific phases such as baseline, intervention, or follow-up. The collected data can be accessed and downloaded as raw data, and displayed in scatter plots.
starting from a Montecarlo simulation, the application chooses the best algorithm between the indexes defined by Parker (Parker, Vannest, Davis, Sauber, 2011) and Allison and Gorman (1992) to calculate the effect size of the applied behavioral intervention plans.
The results of the statistical analyses are displayed through a scatter plot comparing two selected phases and a speedometer indicating the direction and the power of the effect.
The BEHAVE application is developed within the Behavioral management model across europe project (BEHAVE, ERASMUS + KA2 Strategic Partnership for school education).Keywords:
Social-emotional-behavioural-difficulties, web-application, evidence-based.