1 CIIEMAD - UPIEM - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
2 ESIME Ticomán - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
3 UPIEM - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
4 ESIME Zacatenco - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 5015-5018
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1228
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
As time goes by, graduate profiles require greater skills for the strengthening, development and performance of the person in their professional activities. Interdisciplinary learning integrates skills and knowledge from two or more disciplines in the training of the person in order to address and solve problems that have the characteristic of being seen from different angles. It is not trying to combine two disciplines; it is looking for the synergy in both and that complement each other.

The integration of knowledge and disciplines in Urban Mobility is quite broad, these studies involve characteristics such as: integration and collaboration of different areas, creativity in the search for solutions and critical thinking. Among the areas of knowledge are, urbanism as the basis that involves the planning of transport systems, sociology for the study of people's behavior, administrative sciences for the management of systems and public policy, technology as the transforming axis and innovation, energy as the base element for mobility and, sustainability as the element in pursuit of efficiency and convergence in the environmental focus and the ecosystem as the livelihood of human activities.

The objective of this work is to analyze the interdisciplinary nature of Urban Mobility Engineering studies as the basis for the training of high-level human resources for the resolution of mobility problems which are paid with the travel time of users.

The methodology consisted of elaborating a proposal of topics applicable to urban mobility in a table, among which are sustainable mobility as an element to reduce pollution, promote the use of public transportation and the implementation of public policies for the electrification of transportation, as well as safety in mobility and inclusion and accessibility. The presentations were carried out with two groups of fifth semester students so that they would have the information prior to the selection of the research topics. This in order to weigh their importance and applicability according to the needs of the population and common problems.

The results show that the studies in Urban Mobility Engineering cover with the interdisciplinary required based on the main problems and needs of the population so that the human resources trained in this discipline can provide creative solutions. For example, the main mobility problems identified are: lack of elements that guarantee accessibility, insufficient devices for safety and exclusion in public transportation, and vehicular congestion. Interdisciplinary action is present in understanding the behavior of society, environmental impacts and impacts on the economic sector, with transportation and mobility as the main axes.
Interdisciplinarity, Urban Mobility, human resources training, integration.