1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIEM (MEXICO)
2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional - CIIEMAD (MEXICO)
3 Instituto Politécnico Nacional - ESIME Ticomán (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 3510-3514
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0906
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Climate change is a phenomenon that causes variations in the Earth's climate patterns over the long term and is directly related to the increase in global temperature. This change has been driven mainly by human activities that release Greenhouse Gases, GHGs, into the environment, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These gases can be understood as a layer covering the Earth that prevents the release of heat naturally absorbed by the sun, and while this effect is essential for life, the accumulation of excess GHGs is detrimental to natural weather patterns. As has been established, climate change is here to stay, so one of the major strategies is to adapt to these changes by informing those communities where the effects are significantly manifested.
La Paz, BCS Mexico, is a coastal city which is close to beaches as tourist destinations that receive every year many visitors from around the world. One of the most significant beaches is Playa Balandra, which is described as the most beautiful beach in Mexico. In La Paz there has been the problem of jellyfish appearing closer and closer to the beaches due to the increase in sea temperature, which causes visitors to be exposed to stings, which has caused these animals to be seen as a threat and they are even named as contamination.
The aim of this work is to show the scientific theater that was used as a measure to raise awareness about climate change and the effects it has on the beaches by the appearance of jellyfish, and how to treat a sting or an encounter with one of these Medusozoa.
The methodology consisted of visiting the city of La Paz to carry out the scientific theater at the La Paz Cultural Center. First, two days prior to the presentation of the event, the event was disseminated inside and outside the cultural center. Second, the event was presented using costumes and roles that explained the story of a small caterpillar that consumed all its available resources in a short period of time and that led it to failure, and then moved on to a simulation of a jellyfish sting to show attendees the correct care that should be taken in these situations. Finally, there was an exhibition on the Medusozoa family so that people could learn about the types and forms in which these animals can be found.
The results show that there were people who did not know that the appearance of jellyfish on the beach was one of the effects of climate change, also, they managed to understand how a jellyfish sting should be treated without endangering the person and the animal. In relation to climate change, they were able to explain the causes, effects, and possible measures to adapt to this new reality.
Awareness, climate change, adaptation technique, scientific theater, La Paz Mexico.