Central University of Technology Free State (SOUTH AFRICA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3431-3436
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0838
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) for pre-service teachers at the university of technology where the study is done, uses manual tools such as paper, pencil, and other drawing instruments. In South African context, EGD includes knowledge, techniques and skills that are basic to comprehension of drawings in mechanical, civil, and electrical technology. The knowledge section is presented through theory that enables students to understand and interpret drawings in mechanical, civil, and electrical technology contexts. While techniques include teaching of spatial and visualisation of objects in various projections, pictorial, and Multiview.

This study investigates challenges associated with online assessment of EGD at the university of technology, among pre-service teachers. The focus will be on the second and third years as senior students in the subject. EGD as knowledge application subject requires employment of continuous and formative assessment for the lecturer to diagnose if there are any deficiencies on students’ understanding of each topic. Furthermore, pertaining to assessment of quality and standards of drawings, EGD uses types of lines with specifications that must be adhered to. These qualities such as line features and standards like scale and measurements could easily be determined or visualised and assessed on a hardcopy of pencil and paper drawing. While online assessment in the context of the study implies scanning or taking a photo of a drawing and uploading the softcopy on Blackboard.

The study employs a qualitative document analysis research method. Documents refer to the stored files such as policies, curriculum, and work schedules among others, where relevant information could be obtained for the purpose of the study. The researcher intends using critical visual analysis for rigorous analysis of the data in a form of EGD test and exam scripts. Visual analysis pertains to employing various visual elements of design (VED) to draw information from the drawings. Critical visual analysis depicts three sites of visual interpretation as the site of production, the site of image and the site of audiences.

This study anticipates revealing assessment challenges for EGD regarding the quality, verification of authorship and dishonesty. These variables rely mostly on the cultural values and norms used in EGD.

The results thereof would be used to draw conclusions and recommendations for more efficient approach to assessing EGD online.
Online assessment, Engineering Graphics and Design, Challenges, Visual analysis.