University of South Africa (SOUTH AFRICA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7465-7473
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1853
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Academic persistence, as a measure of student success, refers to the ability of students to persist and continue their educational pursuits despite various challenges and obstacles they may encounter along the way. It focuses on a student's determination, resilience, and commitment to achieving their educational goals.
Academic persistence encompasses several key elements, including:
Retention: The ability of students to stay enrolled in their academic programs and not drop out prematurely;
Progression: The demonstration of consistent progress and advancement through the curriculum, such as successfully completing courses and meeting academic requirements;
Time to Degree: The duration it takes for students to complete their degrees within the expected timeframe;
Graduation: The attainment of a degree or credential, which signifies the successful completion of an academic program.
Persistent students are more likely to overcome challenges, setbacks, and obstacles they encounter during their educational journey. They exhibit qualities such as motivation, discipline, self-regulation, and the ability to seek support when needed. By persisting in their studies, students increase their chances of achieving academic success, gaining knowledge and skills, and enhancing their future opportunities.
Measuring academic persistence involves assessing factors such as student retention rates, graduation rates, and time-to-degree metrics, and tracking students' progress throughout their educational programs. It helps institutions identify areas where additional support or interventions may be necessary to improve student outcomes and enhance overall success rates.
This paper aims to define, classify, compare, and access the efficacy of the various measures that are commonly found in the measure of persistence of students in higher education. Furthermore, the paper aims to propose a framework for the application and classification of these measures.
Academic success measurement, persistence, retention, dropout rate, progression, throughput, graduation rates.