Vilnius University, Siauliai Academy (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1781-1789
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0476
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Leadership in educational institutions is becoming one of the top priorities. The result of the expression of leadership in education is successful and high-quality learning of the educational community. An education leader who focuses on progress is a leader for learning. Leadership for learning becomes important for the pursuit of children’s progress in education and learning, and its expression depends on the commitment of the head of the institution to inspire and organize the learning of all members of the community of the educational institution. Research on educational leadership in Lithuania has not yet paid much attention to the assessment of the expression of the model of leadership for learning in a particular institution. The article presents a case study performed by analysing the documents of activity of one preschool education institution in Vilnius City (Lithuania) that seeks to implement the model of leadership for learning. The research problem is formulated by the question: what is the expression of the features of the model of leadership for learning in the preschool education institution of Vilnius City (Lithuania) that participated in the study?
Object of the research: expression of leadership for learning.
Aim of the research: to identify the expression of the features of the model of leadership for learning in the preschool education institution of Vilnius City (Lithuania) that participated in the study.
Research methods: theoretical – analysis of scientific and methodological literature, empirical – collection of documents of the preschool education institution of Vilnius City. Data analysis method – qualitative content analysis.
The results of the empirical research revealed that the model of leadership for learning is successfully implemented in the preschool education institution that participated in the study, because the features of the expression of the following dimensions are recognized in it: common goals and commitments, focus on learning and progress, conditions for learning, dialogue on learning and leadership, shared leadership, clear accountability, self-assessment and data-based solutions. It was found that the pursuit of common goals and commitments manifests itself in the roles of heads of the institution as leaders for learning, leadership for learning for curriculum purposes, focus on areas that influence community learning. Focus on learning and progress manifests itself in high expectations for the outcomes of the educational institution, teachers’ orientation towards the success of children’s education. Conditions for learning are expressed by support and respect for the work of the teacher, the activities of heads of the institution as educational professionals. Dialogue about learning is manifested by teachers’ discussions about education, sharing of teaching materials, conversations of the school community with parents and children, attention of the heads of the institution to the success of children’s education, teachers’ professional development. Sharing leadership manifests itself in recognizing and supporting the leadership of the community members, teachers’ shared leadership, and mutual help. Clear accountability, self-assessment and data-based solutions are expressed through internal and external accountability, gathering evidence of the success of one’s own activities and decisions made on the basis of teachers’ reflection, feedback received, analysis of students’ achievements.
Leadership, leadership for learning, preschool education institution.