University Rey Juan Carlos (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 14-16 November, 2016
Location: Seville, Spain
Videos, being part of the technology, are an effective tool to promote the learning. One of the strategies of teaching methodology focuses on experience-based learning, where the student increases knowledge through their interaction with the environment.
The main objective of this project is to empower students to take decisions in their educational process through experiential learning, using technology. In addition, to promote active learning in order to assume greater responsibility, autonomy and involvement on their own learning process; and also, to motivate the use of new technologies during their academic learning.
The project was carried out during the second semester of 2014/2015 course. The students were from 3rd level, which are enrolled in Elderly subject and belong to Occupational Therapy Degree. Different working sessions were held throughout the semester, where students shared their videos via Moodle network. Students made several recordings about assessments and/or previously taught clinical techniques. Once they finished these recordings were uploaded to Moodle platform, which could be later downloaded. So students could get a specific pre-clinical material of each procedure.
Finally, sixty-one students (from seventy-two enrolled) participated in this teaching project. A qualitative questionnaire was administered at the end of course in order to check the objectives proposed by the teaching team. Results emphasizes that students that were involved in this methodology showed:
(1) better teamwork and communication between colleagues;
(2) an improvement to understand the practical and theoretical classes related to these contents, using recordings;
(3) a reduction of their previous level of anxiety when they take an exam.
The vast majority of students, who participated in this project, recommended extending this approach to other subjects or even other courses, because they considered that this is a valid method of learning.
Students value positively the use of videos as part of their academic learning. This technological methodology promotes communication and interaction between student / teacher, and their interest in the application of these technologies in order to acquire skills. This pilot project raises the need to implement the use of technology as part of university teaching methodology.Keywords:
Moodle, video, empower, preclinical skills.