University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 3826 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0933
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
Critical thinking is defined as the process of conceptualizing, analyzing, or synthesizing to solve problems, find an answer or reach a conclusion. It incorporates attitude, knowledge, and skills necessary to engage in rational reasoning. An important goal of higher education is the promotion of critical thinking skills, and this is even more crucially in Master’s studies or specialist-level degrees, where the teaching/learning strategies are more focused on student participation and inquiry than in other traditional methods such as lectures. In Master’s studies students seek to deepen the understanding of their discipline and achieve greater competence in the field studied, and critical thinking seems to be a good learning style to achieve this purpose. The aim of this pilot study was the promotion of critical thinking and interest in readings to acquire skills in expressing ideas, reasoning, and critical discussion.

The sample was composed of 14 students (90.32% women; mean age=23.99; SD=2.65) enrolled in the subject Psychopathology applied to General Health Psychology, of the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the Campus of Teruel (University of Zaragoza) and offered in the first semester of the academic year 2021/2022. The procedure was to complete a reading of selected chapters of proposed books to, in a second phase, make a critical summary of them including a critical impression and conclusions reached. Students had to read at least one chapter to obtain the maximum mark in the practical part of the subject. By reading extra chapters they could win up to an extra point on the final mark. An ad hoc questionnaire was used to assess aspects related to:
1) the opinion of the activity,
2) the satisfaction experienced, and
3) the general assessment of the activity.

The results showed that this activity was valued as positive. The students had a positive opinion about the activity (scores of 4 out of 5), a high interest on it (scores of 4 out of 5) and a positive overall evaluation (scores of 7.6 out of 10). Likewise, the results indicated that the activity foster students’ critical thinking, generating an alternative point of view to the traditional teaching methodology, spurring their interest in various related topics of Psychopathology, as well as reading, criticism and debate on the topics analyzed. It is important to note that 50% (8/14) of the students almost never read on topics related to psychology, and up to 67% (8/12) of the students would not have read any of the proposed books if the current project were not applied.

The results of this study support the acceptability of this educational innovation and show that the promotion of critical thinking seems to be an important aspect in higher education. Critical thinking is gaining in importance in the context of university studies due to its ability to have an influence on the academic performance of the students and to enhance the personal and professional competence of individuals.

This project was funded by the University of Zaragoza (Ref. PIIDUZ_1_123).
Critical thinking, thought-provoking readings, unsafe environment, alternative views.