About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2010 Proceedings
Publication year: 2010
Page: 5532 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 3rd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 15-17 November, 2010
Location: Madrid, Spain
The communication named "The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) - Achieving the Goals” is a political, strategic and practical results of a long process initiated with the Bologna Declaration in 1999, which represents a milestone in definition of a European education area, which is stated by the quality and global competitiveness. The Bologna Process (BP) is now an integral part of the lexicon of reference of the whole European Higher Education (HE) and serves as a symbol of the announced change in grade structure, organization of curricula and teaching/learning methodologies. This is a substantial change for education paradigms. It should be borne in mind that, with adjustments for different courses, institutions of HE is not simply intended to offer students a system of training/education, but a range of learning and a set of skills that allow greater ease in its insertion in the labor market, even in occupations not related to specific training, with the huge competitive advantage of an increased intellectual and cultural skills, coupled with capacity building initiative, adaptability, flexibility and communication. In Portugal, the HE is now organized into three cycles. The first, lasting three years, leading to a teaching certificate and corresponds to 180 credit units and is that one in which we will work to. In this cycle it is offered to graduates a scientific training base, which will enable them to take on work at intermediate level, with more general functions. The main impact of the Bologna process did is not so much the actual text of the declaration, but the fact of putting the reform of HE on the political agenda of many countries. For Portugal, the BP is, a great opportunity to look at the context of the major challenges of the knowledge society. Compete to institutions of HE, making good use of thinking skills that are the main prospective owners, outline solutions to the challenges set out by upgrading HE and adapting it to new realities and demands emanating from the rapidly moving towards a society of knowledge, opposing solutions on future trends of immediacy of training and offering a wide range of qualifications with constant concern for their relevance socio-economic and cultural. In short, institutions of HE should be able to prepare and propose solutions so coherent and sensible to become undeniable, promoting the possible convergence at European level. This article aims to demonstrate the evolution of curriculum, adopted to Bologna for the first cycle of the course of Computer Engineering, in the Computer Engineering Department at Institute of Engineering of Porto, which since the entry into force of the ongoing Bologna during the academic year 2006/2007, going into its 3rd (third) revision, read adjustment, in the next academic year 2010/2011. Once the courses and their ECTS remain, what is done is a hit among the core courses each semester and integrating course the semester period. All these adjustments have been discussed at board meetings, department-oriented Director of the course and direction of department, to improve the performance of students in courses inclusive, passing them to be taught only when the courses were completed clear. This article shows the concern of adapting New Experiences for Curriculum Design in a cycle of an engineering course, so try to raise rates of success of students in their courses.
Bologna, ECTS, Higher Education, Courses.