Politecnico di Milano (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5014-5024
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1255
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The paper presents the methodological approach underlying the conception, planning and implementation of training courses for high schools within the teaching hours of the "Training for transversal skills and orientation" activated at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan called MAWA (Metadesign Architecture – Working studio Activity).
The work presents an experimentation training for the development of some of the soft skills most in demand by the professional or university world. "CEBIS Method" and "Pentafolium Model" born from the intention of initiating a transition from knowledge-based teaching to a complex training process based on the binomial awareness/competence that has the person as subject in a holistic vision.

The paper is organized in two parts. In the first part, the five dimensions that constitute the reference polarities of the "Pentafolium Model" are introduced in order to grasp its fundamental features, the characterizing elements, the critical elements, the practices that promote and encourage development.
COGNITIVE DIMENSIONS – TO THINK: The cognitive dimension concerns the set of psychic and mental faculties of the person that allow you to: think, understand, explain episodes and actions, develop abstract models of reality, understand and make yourself understood by others, judge and evaluate situations, remember and process information.
EMOTIONAL DIMENSION – TO FEEL: The emotional dimension brings out the person's ability to perceive, recognize, identify, manage and inhabit their own emotions and those of others.
BODY DIMENSION – TO TRY: The body dimension considers the ways in which the person perceives and manages his body in its entirety and in the individual parts that compose it starting from sensory perceptions.
INTERIOR DIMENSION – TO ASPIRE: The inner dimension allows us to grasp the aptitude of the person in overcoming a superficial approach or vision of everyday situations, seeking a meaning both in the perspective of depth and in that of transcendence.
SOCIAL DIMENSION – TO HOSTING: The social dimension considers the person's ability to act appropriately in situations involving relational exchanges.
For each dimension, practical activities are proposed (through a daily logbook - Pentafolium Diary) delivered to each participant to enhance awareness in that area.

The second part introduces the CEBIS method with the dual objective of: understanding the dimensions that most influence the person and which emerge from the Pentafolium Diary data and develop strategies to enhance resources. The four phases of the “CEBIS method” are: Feeling and listening, Choosing and deciding, Playing and acting, Verifying and orienting. They are intended to broaden the field of consciousness and facilitate the transition from theory to practice to promote transformative change starting from the enhancement of soft skills.

The contribution summarizes the theoretical references of the "CEBIS method" and the operational tools of the "Pentafolium Model" and shows some elaborations of the training tools tested by the participants in the MAWA course. Brief reflections conclude the work, identifying critical issues, potential and possible developments.
Soft skills, personal growth, anthropology of awareness, training methodological approaches.