Politecnico di Milano (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9506-9514
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2455
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Sometimes it happens to arrive in a place and then not be aware of what happened along the way... or to arrive in a place and then not immediately remember what "you are there to do"... or finally to carry out actions with a total automatism to the point of concluding them without having a clear understanding of the quality and the outcome. LIVING, DRESS, HABIT: three words that describe three aspects that characterize the training experience offered to young people and adults starting from multidisciplinary reinterpretations of contexts at different levels of urbanity.

LIVING. Living is very difficult because it is not simply 'being somewhere': it is much more. To live one must be aware of to stay there but also of being there. The privileged place where this awareness is trained is in our relationships. To live is to answer a fundamental human question: "Where are you?". It is a question we find in the ancient wisdom stories and it is a 'pedagogical question' because it initiates an initial path of response (and not reaction) in view of learning a responsible location. "Where are you when you study? Where are you when you work? Where are you when you meet others? Where are you when you listen to yourself?"
It is a question that makes it possible (with an objective personal commitment) to at least begin to grasp that perspective which considers the further question "Who are you?" not as an interrogation but as a question capable of giving meaning to one's own life.

DRESS. Putting on a dress is an apparently innocent action that we do every morning, sometimes quickly and distractedly, without paying enough attention to what we recover from the wardrobe.
In reality, our dressing is part of one of those daily actions that significantly affects our identity. The act of choosing a dress every day (or several times a day) tells something about us, it has to do with the choices we make more or less consciously. Perhaps we are called to understand which clothes are able to dress our uniqueness, recognizing our peculiarities, our talents, our abilities ... and at the same time grasping and welcoming our limits, defects, vulnerabilities, wounds not so much with a attitude of resignation, but rather as a place to learn to (re)know oneself.

HABIT. It happens on certain occasions to make "good resolutions" for tomorrow, because one feels the need to or because the circumstances in some way ask/oblige it. But it only takes a few days and everything goes back to the way it was before, actually, worse than before because there is a sort of disappointment/remorse for not having been able to "change something".
Each of us is the result of choices that have transformed thoughts, words and deeds into habits. They determine the kind of person we are today, but also who we will become tomorrow. Learning to be vigilant about habits represents a first step in grasping both the significant perspectives towards which to move but at the same time the concrete steps that confirm or ask for a change in habits.

The paper presents some of the laboratory activities developed in different urban contexts where the study of the way of living, of dressing, of habits becomes the place to develop one's awareness. For each of the cities visited and investigated, synthetic sheets of the reading tools, analytical results and practical effects of the participants relating to the application of better awareness in their own lives are prepared.
History of the city and of social relations self-knowledge, soft skills, personal growth, anthropology of awareness.