Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 915-920
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0328
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Creativity is the most valuable gift of man, which allowed him to make the first tools, to master part of nature through science and technique, to change the environment, to enter the cosmic space. Imagination involves interactions with all components of the human psychic system such as: desires, aspirations, depth of understanding, profound experiences of events, one's own life experience, temperamental dynamics, in a word, the whole personality. The literature has specific tasks for developing communication and creative capacities. The training and development of verbal communication skills was closely linked to the training and development of creative abilities. Language, a complex product of the historical and social development of the human species, which evolves and becomes enriched with it, remains not only the most used, but also the most important means of communication and creation, the main instrument of human thought.

If within the hours of Romanian language and literature, active-participatory methods are used, centered on the student, these will determine the development, activation and enrichment of the active vocabulary of the students, the development of oral and written expression, the education of creative and original skills in finding solutions to a given task, engaging in free, open, creative discussions, as well as developing superior cognitive mechanisms: thinking, memory, imagination. The independent variable consists in using the modern methods specific to stimulate creativity and development and to enrich the vocabulary within the hours of Romanian language and literature in the third class. The dependent variable consists in the active involvement of the students in the learning process, the changes that take place at the level of the vocabulary as well as the way of expression, the development of confidence in their own forces, but especially in the results obtained from the activities carried out.

This research work has the primary purpose of enriching, developing and activating the vocabulary in a creative way, inciting the interest of the students towards the new one and offering the satisfaction of finding the solution by making an effort of searching, researching and combining the ideas and information found. The need for inspiration is growing in every job, and students need to be prepared to meet the demands. The secondary purpose of the paper is the use of active-participativ methods within the hours of Romanian language and literature, activities that led to the enrichment and development of the vocabulary and implicitly to the cultivation of the creative capacities of the students of the third class.

The analysis and interpretation of the results indicate an increase of the school results, in favor of the experimental class, which confirms the hypothesis proposed by me for research. We found that the use of modern methods in the Romanian language and literature classes, at the level of the third class, was efficient, as confirmed by the results obtained after the final evaluation. Also, I noticed a development of the oral, as well as written expression of the students. and overcomes timidity. Equally, the use of these methods has also led to the activation and shading of the vocabulary. The students had the opportunity to learn the meanings of new words and to use them in various contexts.

Primary education, language and communication area, creativity, game, critical thinking methods.