Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 3116-3121
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0717
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Specialists understand by creativity the inventive disposition or the capacity for renewal existing in a potential state in any human individual and at all ages. It is found that the current education system does not stimulate creativity, but rather conformist thinking, students being put in the situation to store data and not to judge independently. For this reason, the grades obtained in school would not be a guarantee of a subsequent creative activity. We do not think that we have to generalize, because in school there are many situations and conditions that favor the stereotype in the didactic work, with repercussions on the students' thinking. We intend to detail some aspects related to the place and importance of creativity in the current programs of Communication in Romanian / Romanian language and literature, to specify the types of compositions practiced in primary classes and to present some methods and techniques for developing creativity during classes. Romanian Language and Literature. The applicative part, includes the research project in which we will show how the creativity of children in the Romanian language and literature can be stimulated, 4th grade through different working methods and techniques. In our approach we started from the following hypothesis: if we use methods and techniques to stimulate individual and group creativity in Romanian language and literature lessons, creating a permissive work atmosphere, they will determine the development, activation and enrichment of active vocabulary of students, the development of oral and written expression, the education of creative and original abilities in finding solutions to a given task, their involvement in free, open, creative discussions, as well as the development of higher cognitive mechanisms: thinking, memory, imagination. Research objectives: identifying methods and techniques to stimulate creativity by developing products (compositions); the application of some methods and techniques for the development of creativity in the lessons of Romanian Language and Literature; making works / compositions.

Examples of methods and techniques for teaching-learning written communication used: Creative writing workouts, Generating ideas. Brainstorming, Starbursting, Imaginative writing - creative text. Knowing the stages of the creative process, methods and strategies of creativity will configure the creative skills and competencies that can be used in learning and will also provide teachers with diverse methods to achieve educational goals. During the first semester we aimed to stimulate students' creativity through various modern methods to develop, activate and enrich their active vocabulary, to develop their oral and written expression, to educate creative and original skills, and to develop higher cognitive mechanisms. : thinking, memory, imagination. At the end of the research I felt a huge joy, seeing that students can make successful compositions in which to use special words and expressions, that they are not afraid to express their own ideas, beliefs about a particular subject. In addition to developing mental processes that play a central role in tomorrow's adult development, students began to collaborate, cooperate with other peers, and take their opinions into account, as lessons were learned in which students worked as a team. Being consistent in their efforts to stimulate creativity, students became accustomed to a certain type of lesson, began to work from day to day more and more, getting to marvel themselves at the products of their activity. A harmonious atmosphere was created in the classroom, a pleasant working atmosphere. They also began to appreciate more and more the school and the lessons of Romanian language and literature, to observe how important reading is in written and oral expression.
creativity, methods, techniques, child's imagination, primary school