Vilnius University Siauliai Academy (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3069-3078
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0864
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
An important role in organizing pedagogical education of parents in the preschool education institution is undoubtedly played by the teacher, who should have certain competences that can help not only to provide high-quality education of children, but also to communicate and cooperate effectively with their parents and involve them in preschool education activities. It is important for the teacher not only to seek partnership with parents, but also to set relevant goals of pedagogical education of parents: to increase the pedagogical experience of parents, to form and deepen new pedagogical competences, constructive activities.

The aim of the research – to identify the role of the teacher in organizing pedagogical education of parents in the preschool education institution.

Convenience non-probability sampling was used in the research. In order to reveal the role of the teacher in organizing pedagogical education of parents in the preschool education institution, a study of the experiences of teachers in preschool education institutions was conducted. The study involved 30 informants who agreed to participate in the research. Data were collected until they began to recur and a decline in their informativeness became apparent.

Prior to the empirical research, scientific and methodological literature was analysed and the analysis and meta-analysis of documents on education were performed. A qualitative research strategy was chosen to implement the research aim. Data were collected through structured oral interviews. Qualitative analysis of the content of the interviews of preschool teachers was performed on the basis of distinguishing the most appropriate semantic units from the text and their coding. The text was examined sequentially, inductively distinguishing semantic units, formulating them into subcategories, and later grouping them into categories.

The results of the empirical research highlighted the roles of the teacher in organizing the activities of pedagogical education of parents in the preschool education institution. Teachers recognize and most widely use traditional forms of individual communication as forms of improving the situation of pedagogical education of parents: conversations and consultations, during which they perform not only information and counselling functions, but also develop educational activities, solve problems related to children’s education and thus pay attention to parents. Due to the occupation of modern parents, the method of online communication with parents, presentation of information and provision of feedback by online means was chosen.

After analysing the factors determining the parents’ involvement in the educational processes, the following functions of the teacher were singled out: appropriate invitation, demonstration of attention to the parents by thanking them for their participation, clarification of the parents’ expectations conducting surveys and individual conversations. It was observed that the personal qualities and pedagogical abilities of teachers are extremely important. The analysis of the research data showed that after reaching a certain level of the involvement of parents, it is necessary to support the involvement of parents: appropriate provision of information, the ability to continuously promote cooperation through attractive ways of communicating with parents.
Pedagogical education of parents, teacher’s role, preschool education institution.