1 Instituto Politecnico Nacional, CIECAS (MEXICO)
2 Instituto Politecnico Nacional, CECyTE 8 (MEXICO)
3 Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Cuajimalpa (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9522-9526
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2458
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The educational experiences provided during the confinement period due to Covid 19, were different in each country and even at different educational levels, for example not all classes were online, because not everyone had the option of computers and internet connectivity, not all classes were through platforms (Classroom type, Edmodo, etc.), sometimes they were supported with educational televised content, but sometimes this resource was never used, among many other differences, for example, the time of confinement, because while in some countries it lasted a little more than a year, in other countries it lasted a few months and sometimes even intermittently. Therefore, in this paper, the postgraduate educational level in a Higher Education Institution in Mexico is specifically addressed. These diverse educational experiences were referred to as “remote and emerging education”, to differentiate it from other educational modalities that have decades of study and implementation such as distance education, online education, virtual education, face-to-face. It should be mentioned that these educational trends are characterized by having their own pedagogical foundations, their educational model, evaluation criteria, their own educational research, elements that allow a planning not only of topics, but of complete courses, among other elements such as the use of technological resources, learning strategies, the role of the student and the teacher.

But after overcoming the various obstacles, the classes were recovering to the in-person mode and combined with options at distances, calling it a hybrid modality. What remains of that experience? Were there changes in the preferences of students and students to these hybrid systems? Or did it return in full to pre-pandemic pre-face systems? To clarify this scenario, an investigation was undertaken from the National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico) in a Research Center, which teaches classes at the master and postgraduate level. Qualitative research instruments (focus group and interviews) were used to understand the positions of both students and teachers of the 4 master's and a doctorate that is taught in this research center. This paper presents the results of the main themes found: socio-emotional sphere and health, educational sphere (quality of teaching/learning), technological sphere (infrastructure), Sphere of training/development of digital skills, advantages and disadvantages of distance, preferences.

Among the main results are the different socio-emotional affections of the participants (which cannot be generalized, they were experiences that due to different environments were experienced differently); there is still the tendency to prefer the in-person education to consider it more effective, the sphere of training was desirable but not indispensable, despite this within the preferences, both students and teachers, There is a tendency to recognize the advantages of distance mode, and that despite the preference of the in-person mode, the hybrid activities have become part of the normal. So, it can be concluded that education after the pandemic changed educational actors, with or without the official permission of educational institutions, which makes us in a transitional stage of traditional educational models.
Distance learning, Face-to-face learning, postgraduate level, preferences, advantages.